Their retirement savings and home values fell sharply at the worst possible time: just before they needed to cash out.
At the worst a house unkept cannot be so distressing as a life unlived.
The Safety Car appeared at the worst possible moment for us and completely ruined our race.
Jobs come to an end, people get sick, and Mother Nature often comes at the worst possible moment.
Stress accumulates quietly, boiling over at the worst moment when you didn't even realize it was there.
A small change can provoke software to break in a surprising manner and at the worst of the moments.
Has China finally succeeded in applying the brakes at the worst possible moment for the global economy?
Don't worry about your driving test. At the worst you will fail, and then you can always take it again.
At the worst you'll get a great learning experience and who knows, you might just make your dreams come true.
At the worst point in the decline, the four weeks ending Aug. 24, M2 was dropping at an annualized rate of 12%.
Even worse, Hallinan warns, many "safety" devices work "by interrupting the driver at the worst possible time."
What happened today wasn't about pressure; it was about a long-standing injury flaring up again at the worst possible time.
At the worst, these will amount to twenty hours-the time it takes a radio signal to span the orbit of Pluto, the outer-most planet.
They are also appearing at the worst possible time, particularly in the United States, because people are looking for an exit strategy.
Criticism is also dangerous as it fosters resentment that can smolder for years and come back to haunt us at the worst possible moment.
If we allow that tax cut to expire -- if we refuse to act --middle-class families will get hit with a tax increase at the worst possibletime.
HP's nightmare is that Mr Ellison's savage judgment will be proven right-and that the board ditched Mr Hurd at the worst possible moment.
HP的噩梦是:埃里森先生的野蛮处理将被证实是正确的- - -惠普董事会或许在公司最糟糕的时刻抛弃了赫德先生。
And don't count on pay raises or bonuses with a new job - you might end up with a pay cut, so look at the worst-case scenario when budgeting.
There are hundreds of strains of E. coli bacteria, and most of them are harmless. At the worst, they cause a few days of digestive discomfort.
What is certain is that the world's largest insurer was abruptly separated from the world's most experienced risk manager at the worst possible moment.
Suddenly England were looking at the worst of all worlds and were distinctly lucky to survive when Altidore saw a shot pushed on to a post after his pace had exposed Carragher.
The failure of Washington Mutual (WaMu), a troubled thrift, could at the worst wipe out as much as half of what remains in the fund, reckons of Ladenburg Thalmann, a boutique investment bank.
一家精品投资银行Ladenburg Thalmann的Dick Bove估计,最坏的情况是,华盛顿共同基金(一个麻烦的以节俭著称的银行)的破产将了结一半以上的基金。
The weather was at its worst; bitterly cold, with leaden skies that gave minimum visibility.
The weather was at its worst; bitterly cold, with leaden skies that gave minimum visibility.