Fighter planes flying through the air at top speed.
Race on 27 ambitious and varied tracks at top speed.
According to the rules, participants must drive at top speed and not apply their brakes.
Mark needn't have hurried. After driving at top speed, he arrived half an hour early.
Wee hit a low stretch at top speed, and water swept over the car as he blasted through.
A single look was enough to send the Fox off at top speed for the nearest hiding place.
If you have a blender, pulverize them 1/2 cup at a time at top speed for about 30 seconds.
If we run at top speed we can just make it to the coffee machine and back to our worktable.
It also streamlines your file system, enabling your computer to run at top speed with the most stability.
Thee snail gets his new car and spent the rest of his days roaring happily down the highway at top speed.
The Gulf itself is breaking down the oil at top speed, but past spills indicate the effects could linger for decades.
Financial matters go much better when a document is signed while Jupiter is moving at top speed, not retrograde.
They burst out of the chute at top speed only to be stopped short — clotheslined — with a choking rope around the neck.
The lad with the permit uttered a cry of fright, dropped his rod, and ran off at top speed. The gamekeeper pursued.
In recent years, it keeps the situation that grows at top speed, become the first pillar industry in our national economy.
Steers weighing approximately 700 pounds are forced to run at top speed while the roper throws the rope around the steer's horns.
An Android task manager to kill useless background processes is mandatory, at least if you want your phone running at top speed.
After the ones that have gone through for a few years have grown at top speed continuously, will it still continue going high this year?
"You've got to remember that, Mrs Beaver," said Susan. "as soon as she has looked in here and finds we're gone she'll be off at top speed."
Daqing is the resource type city of our province, follow the development, use and industrialized swift and violent development of resources, the economy of Daqing has grown at top speed.
The translation was done at top speed (because Norstedts needed to show it to a film company), and then it was heavily revised by its editor, Christopher MacLehose, of Quercus Press, in London.
翻译工作完成得很快(因为小说要搬上银幕,Norstedts出版社需要向电影公司提供英文版),随后,伦敦栎树出版社(Quercus Press)的编辑克里斯托弗·麦理浩(Christopher MacLehose)对翻译版进行了大量修订。
It's just like the dragon boat race during China's traditional dragon boat Festival. Only when everyone rows at top speed and at the same pace can the boat sail fast and steadily towards victory.
If you're in a racecar, top speed is important, but even more important is the driver's skill at adjusting speeds to make careful turns.
If you're in a racecar, top speed is important, but even more important is the driver's skill at adjusting speeds to make careful turns.