But things weren't helped by Britain and France being at war.
Britain, Portugal and their Allies were at war with France and Spain.
No one was at war with him during those years, for the Lord gave him rest.
Winston Churchill's Britain at War Experience, London, United kingdom.
Who communicates at table with others must be rushing into toilet at war-time.
The U.S. is at war in the Middle East at least in part to protect its foreign oil interests.
Orenstein is at war with what she describes as our hyper-feminized girlie-girl consumer culture.
Visitors “think Mexico is a country at war, ” says one dentist with a practice close to the frontier.
They also considered Syria to be no threat to Israel. They weren't at peace but were not at war either.
They have been at war ever since he put them at the centre of the production system he built at the studio.
"My insides are at war with each other," she says. "There are days I wake up and think I should just embrace myself."
In any public administrative department not actually at war the staff increase may be expected to follow this formula.
You say you don't know why we are fighting -- what we are trying to accomplish -- and even whether we are "at war" at all.
近日来,你们中的大多数人在抱怨我们在对利比亚的使命中目标不清。 你们说你们不知道为何而战—我们试图要实现什么目标—甚至我们是否已经身处“交战之中”了。
England has seemed a nation almost at war. The unrest is a blow to the police, caught flat-footed and unable to ensure order.
It's complicated because it's a business that reflects our interior, and the interior is always conflicted and at war with itself.
We're fat, we're in massive debt, we're at war with each other and our planet is almost stuffed... but other than that, we're flying!
All of them were at war and many of them were represented by people whose nations were going through a traumatic existential challenge.
Now the king of Aram was at war with Israel. After conferring with his officers, he said, 'I will set up my camp in such and such a place.
Now the king of Aram was at war with Israel. After conferring with his officers, he said, 'I will set up my camp in such and such a place.'
By then, Japan's population will have shrunk by around 20 million people, an unprecedented die off for a nation neither at war or blighted by famine.
He leaves office with low public approval ratings, and turns over to his successor a nation that is at war and in the midst of an economic crisis.
As a mother, she found herself at war with a culture that emphasized physical appearance to her daughter over pride, strength, resilience and intelligence.
Lawmakers are at war with one another over how to reduce our deficit while increasing our quality of living, and there is no end to the debate in sight.
His one-legged body is on display at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History's "Price of Freedom: Americans at War" exhibit in Washington, d.c..
在华盛顿,Cher Ami只有一条腿的身躯在史密森国家博物馆举办的“自由的代价:战争中的美国人”展览中展出。
One man who lost four of his brothers at war summed up the scene around him: “This was a battlefield for most of my life, ” he said. “Now we want to be free.”
Israel is at war on both fronts. It is fighting a small dirty war in Gaza and a big, destructive, high-tech war over the skies and off the coast of Lebanon.
Coe has heard rumors of monkeys being trained to run into enemy trenches carrying grenades when India and Pakistan were at war, but those claims have not been proven.
Coe has heard rumors of monkeys being trained to run into enemy trenches carrying grenades when India and Pakistan were at war, but those claims have not been proven.