Do you know about the Atkins Diet?
And how about a modified version of the Atkins diet?
27 (The Atkins diet is a high protein, ketogenic diet).
My Atkins Diet Analysis on Resetting Your metabolism.
The Atkins Diet was devised by US heart doctor Robert Atkins.
Thee high-fat group followed something of a modified Atkins diet.
I finally decided not to sweat it and just stick with the original Atkins diet program.
The Atkins Diet also stresses staying healthy – supplements are an important ingredient.
When I first started looking for my own copy of the Atkins diet, I was a bit overwhelmed.
There is an endless number of diets-the grapefruit diet, the Pritikin diet, and the Atkins diet.
The Atkins diet can be boring because of the limited choice and some believe it can be dangerous.
Some had great success while others floundered and ended up with me on the original Atkins diet program.
At the office everyone on the south beach diet the zone diet and the Atkins diet have fallen off the wagon.
The Atkins diet plan shouldn't be judged by the Induction Phase, which some people criticize because it is so restrictive.
In 2004, the company's first loss was blamed on the rise of the low-carbohydrate Atkins diet, but it was much more than this.
Should I stick with the original or go for one of the other options that were low carb but not an exact copy of the Atkins diet?
If you inaccurately guess your Net Carbs consumption, you might think that you are on the Atkins diet but, in fact, you are not.
This Atkins diet analysis makes it obvious that Dr. Atkins has developed a program that works well and can contribute to your long-term health.
The Atkins diet is a very low carbohydrate diet, which in its classic form means you can't eat much fruit let alone any other carbohydrate.
The Atkins diet encouraged loading up on fat-laden foods like steaks and omelets, and steering clear of pasta, bread and other carbohydrates.
Studies show that measures of cardiovascular disease rather than just risk factors show that people on average become worse on an Atkins diet.
Interestingly, there have been a few "vegetarian Atkins diet" studies published recently, which is a little like putting lipstick on a pork rind...
Forget the Atkins Diet, or the latest Hollywood fad, this week Horizon travels to the far corners of the globe to find out the real secret to a long and healthy life.
The Atkins Diet has been popular for year, Atkins make nutritionists mad by saying you can eat just about all the fat you want, as long as you don't eat many carbohydrates, sugar and bread.
The team at the University of California believes that the discovery could soon play a role in fighting obesity and help people lose weight in the same way as the protein-only Atkins diet.
Thee Atkins Diet has been popular for year, Atkins make nutritionists mad by saying you can eat just about all the fat you want, as long as you don't eat many carbohydrates, sugar and bread.
The industry, stung by the current popularity of the Atkins low-carbohydrate diet, has begun to respond.
The industry, stung by the current popularity of the Atkins low-carbohydrate diet, has begun to respond.