It has high resistance to the interference of industrial electricity and the interference of other atmospherics.
Ron Holle is a lightning expert with Global Atmospherics, a company that runs a worldwide lightning detection network.
"There's not a question that the atmospherics of Microsoft are much more different that they were a decade ago," he said.
In both cases, these insights come not from the science of astronomy but from atmospherics - and that's not really so surprising.
They focuse on experimental vocal structures, hard-as-iron beats, complex rhythms, dark atmospherics , and tortured electronic noise.
The keys are soft lighting, comfortable temperature and humidity levels, warm colors and soothing atmospherics such as music or flowers.
But atmospherics matter-and the man who revived Britain's flagging newspapers in the 1980s now finds the antics of his tabloids threatening his ambitions.
Obama had more inner city atmospherics at his finger tips with Richard Price's "Lush Life," a fictional look at a shooting on Manhattan's Lower East Side.
Making favors even trickier to grasp — and thus easier to game — is research suggesting that the deed itself isn't as valued as much as the atmospherics around it.
The problem, as Mr Purves acknowledges, is that for some buyers, the “atmospherics” of splashing out on such a conspicuous symbol of wealth do not feel quite right.
The problem, as Mr Purves acknowledges, is that for some buyers, the "atmospherics" of splashing out on such a conspicuous symbol of wealth do not feel quite right.
The problem, as Mr Purves acknowledges, is that for some buyers, the "atmospherics" of splashing out on such a conspicuous symbol of wealth do not feel quite right.