The application of N2O-C2H2 flame atomic absorption spectrometer to measure of Cobalt in The expanded alloy is studied.
In combination with an atomic absorption spectrometer, it could carryout various flow injection analyses and data processing.
The removal behavior of mineral elements and ash in wheat straw during alkaline pulping is studied by means of atomic absorption spectrometer and SEM-EDAX.
用原子吸收光谱法、SEM - EDAX法研究了麦草原料灰分及矿质元素在碱法制浆过程中的脱除规律。
After the precipitation was dissolved in hydrochloric acid, indium, bismuth and lead in zinc, zinc powder and zinc carrot were determined by atomic absorption spectrometer.
The mathematical model developed by the author is used in a atomic absorption made in China. The precision, stability, analysis speed of atomic absorption spectrometer are …
An on line extraction flow injection method was developed for the determination of trace lead in nickel sulfate electrolyte using flame atomic absorption spectrometer as the detector.
The content of Cr, Mn, Zn, Cu, Fe, Mg, ca in the cancer tissue and its peripheral tissue from 38 cases with large intestine carcinoma was determined by atomic absorption spectrometer.
Compared the sample test result of two kinds of methods, It proves the meth - od that flame atomic absorption spectrometer determinates Pb, Cr, Ni in stainless steel food container is feasible.
The freshwater and seawater pearl samples with different colours are investigated by using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer (GFAAS).
A new interface was designed for connecting a model 8031 chip microprocessor with H_508 atomic absorption spectrometer and the computer control of the AAS instrument was realized with very low cost.
This article inducts that we can determine mercury in food by combine atomic-absorption spectrometer with hydride generator.
This article inducts that we can determine mercury in food by combine atomic-absorption spectrometer with hydride generator.