If appointed as Director in other companies, please include on an attached sheet maximum 3 such appointments, supplying company name, company legal status and position held for each appointment.
She produced a clipboard with a sheet of ruled paper attached.
Document type provides a mechanism by which a nonstandard document can be defined, a property sheet attached, a document template defined, versioning options chosen, and workflow associated.
If the review results in a sign-off, this is captured on a separate sheet and attached to the work product, if applicable.
We have pleasure in offering you the goods listed on the attached offer sheet No...., and hope that they will be of interest to you.
We have pleasure in offering you the goods listed on the attached offer sheet No. ... , and hope that they will be of interest to you。
A letter attached to a photocopy of a Mother Jones article from 1978 describes the newsmagazine as a "locally-produced scandal sheet published by a dissident group".
If you attached a style sheet, classes defined in that style sheet appear in the list.
If you attached a style sheet, IDs defined in that style sheet appear in the list.
Inner space is without paint and exposes a texture of concrete. Interior wall attached to the lecture pavilion is an acoustic wall and is made of veneered perforated sheet.
A letter attached to a photocopy of a Mother Jonesarticle from 1978 describes the newsmagazine as a "locally-produced scandal sheet published by a dissident group".
A label shall be printed or stuck on the drug package with an insert sheet attached as required by regulations.
Please see the specifications of size "s" stated in my enquiry and take the attached spec sheet for your reference of the size measurement grading.
If there is insufficient space, please give details on a separate sheet to be attached to the application form.
We carried out the audit work on the attached Balance Sheet of December 31, 2004 and Statements of Profit and Cash Flow of the year 2004 of your company.
CAI bearings are of motor class bearings and the common tolerance is shown on the attached data sheet.
We have pleasure in offering you the goods listed on the attached offer sheet No. … , and hope that they will be of interest to you.
A strong, taut sheet, usually of canvas, attached with springs to a metal frame and used for gymnastic springing and tumbling.
The attached original record sheet of the applicant's bankcard and the original bankbook can indicate the record.
In the tender price sheet, tenderers shall include the unit prices of the attached parts and components, special tools and instrumentations that are listed in the Technical Specifications.
The specification and performance of the safety valves shall meet the requirements of the DBC as specified in this technical agreement. See attached Tabulation Sheet 1.
The final cladding is made of galvanized sheet metal attached to the network of rods and increased in weight by hanging stones.
If there is insufficient space, please give details on a separate sheet to be attached to this application.
Each damper is a short sheet metal vent pipe fitted with a circular damper plate within the vent pipe, and attached to a square anchor plate.
Applicants should set out in detail the nature of litigation experience they possess on a separate sheet of paper to be attached to the application form.
Applicants should set out in detail the nature of litigation experience they possess on a separate sheet of paper to be attached to the application form.