There is the danger that the high-speed connectivity of the Internet will reduce our attention span—that we will be incapable of reading anything of length or which requires deep concentration.
When you pull her away from something she's deeply involved in, you're breaking her flow and you're actually training her to have a shorter attention span.
We are not paid for our attention span, but rewarded for it with yet more distractions and demands on our time.
The researchers believe this damage negatively affects attention span in boys, and girls' ability to comprehend and interpret visual information.
Considering a child's attention span, there's no question that learning new things stimulated us, as well as exploring new places.
All that switching about shortens the attention span and lessens your ability to enjoy and be at peace with the task at hand.
Stop allowing your cellphone to hold your attention and mind hostage. It is time to reclaim your attention span.
Some work and some don't. Clearly, we have got a public with a shorter attention span, but there is also this great interest in history.
In coming months, the world's major PC makers plan to introduce a new generation of quick-start computers, spotting a marketing opportunity in society's short attention span.
Despite these problems, new technologies gradually emerged, and caught the attention of investors whose patience exceeded Congress's fickle attention span.
Remember that your answer must fit a short attention span; try to respond only to the question asked, giving your child just the information he asks for and he can handle.
The older children also sat a computerised test designed to measure attention span.
But the ape's attention span was fairly short lived as she was soon enticed into giving the DS back in exchange for an apple.
As Karl Schwenke points out in his classic book in a Pig's Eye: 'Pigs are gregarious animals. Like children, they thrive on affection, enjoy toys, have a short attention span, and are easily bored.'
Undetermined, but it's convenient to argue that Twitter use enables that short attention span.
Those on ten grammes a day scored best on tests for memory and attention span.
It's where it tests your attention span and what you actually miss that's going on in front of you.
The 'discarded unread' rate will be very low, and the attention span longer than a minute.
The memory loss doesn't affect a person's intelligence, general knowledge, awareness, attention span, judgment, personality or identity.
Mr Redford, with whom he memorably jumped off a cliff and raced out of a mission into hundreds of Bolivian rifles, said he had “the attention span of a bolt of lightning”.
As your child becomes older, he will want books that actually tell a story and have an ending that makes sense to him. Books help to develop the preschooler's attention span.
Young children have a limited attention span and can't concentrate on one activity for very long.
This short attention span of mine only existed while I was reading on the iPad and not from the paperback, which means it wasn't the story's fault that I was so tempted to navigate away.
Attempts to increase the attention span of executives by using incentives have failed.
Find your personal trading niche, and remain focused. Be cautious to not over extend your attention span.
Stop allowing your cell phone to hold your attention and mind hostage. It is time to reclaim your attention span.
Stop allowing your cell phone to hold your attention and mind hostage. It is time to reclaim your attention span.