He was obsessed by questions of "diversity", needing three attempts to name an attorney-general, for example.
In all, CICIG has forced out some 2,000 police officers, ten prosecutors and, in its first year, an attorney-general.
In all, CICIG has forced out some 2, 000 police officers, ten prosecutors and, in its first year, an attorney-general.
A breathalyser blitz has helped to reduce drink-driving, says Luis Genaro vasquez, the city's deputy attorney-general.
墨西哥城副总检察长Luis Genarovasquez说到,“呼气测醉”闪电战对减少酒驾很有帮助。
At around the time of the two crucial meetings, the attorney-general provided two separate legal opinions, ten days apart.
More important, Eric Holder, the attorney-general, directed a prosecutor to review whether interrogators may have broken the law.
New York state’s attorney-general has reportedly issued a subpoena to Bank of America demanding data on its most well-rewarded employees.
Andrew Cuomo, New York's hyperactive attorney-general, entered the fray, slapping subpoenas on the firm and muttering about possible fraud.
The attorney-general charged seven former senior officials who had signed the agreement with frau as well as two Ecuadorean lawyers for Chevron.
Andrew Cuomo, New York’s outgoing attorney-general and incoming state governor, thinks so, and has filed suit against Ernst & Young, Lehman’s auditors.
German Vargas Lleras, the new interior minister, withdrew a bill presented by his predecessor that would have ended the independence of the attorney-general.
The party's ticket, his staff add, will energise particular constituencies, what with a black candidate for senator, a woman for governor and a Jew for attorney-general.
Under the bill's provisions, a panel made up of mental-health experts will evaluate each case. The state attorney-general will then determine whether to go to court.
A handful of national figures have called for a debate on legalisation, including Arnold Schwarzenegger in California and Terry Goddard, the attorney-general of Arizona.
But he may have cried Wolf too often. Despite the general's reported "critical" condition, Indonesia's attorney-general vowed to press ahead regardless with civil proceedings against him.
He defended Lord Goldsmith, the former attorney-general, who dramatically changed his view on the legality of the war soon before it started (and who appeared at the inquiry earlier this week).
The case stems from the appointment of Roni Bar-on as Israeli's Attorney General.
Attorney General Richard Blumenthal said more than 30 states had participated in a recent conference call on the issue.
In an unusual move, the original defendants, California Attorney General Jerry Brown and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, refused to support Proposition 8 in court.
A spokesman for the US Attorney General said lawyers were considering whether to contest the appeal court's decision.
Meanwhile, New York's top legal officer, attorney general Andrew Cuomo, said he would issue subpoenas against AIG after the company missed an 8pm deadline tonight to release details of the bonuses.
In an unusual announcement, the attorney general said he will give more details about the timing of the executions, this Friday.
In one case, brought by Martha Coakley, the Massachusetts attorney general, the judge said the marriage act exceeded Congress's powers and infringed on the state's right to regulate marriage.
The tone of Attorney General Shutleff's subsequent Tweets seem strident and unprofessional.
At a press conference announcing his decision, Castresana, in a final salvo, denounced Colom's new Attorney General for alleged ties to "parallel powers," including organized crime.
To get an idea of what we're talking about here, look at the complaint filed by Nevada's attorney general against Bank of America.
The attorney general had also asked the judge to stop implementation of the law until a higher court rules on its constitutionality.
Now Florida's attorney general is investigating prepaid firms to see whether they fully disclose their charges. Green Dot insists it does.
Revelations contained in a classified report by the CIA's inspector general, written in 2004, are said to have swayed the previously reluctant attorney general.
Revelations contained in a classified report by the CIA's inspector general, written in 2004, are said to have swayed the previously reluctant attorney general.