After age adjustment, the population attributable risk (PAR) of bladder cancer due to smoking was 42%.
Objective To estimate the population attributable risk for environmental risk factors in the development of gastric cancer.
The estimation of adjusted population attributable risk is 5.31% based on the multivariable logishc regression model analysis.
Mortality rate ratios and attributable risk percent adjusted for sociodemographic and preexisting heath factors were generated.
To estimate the relative risk and the population attributable risk percent (PARP) of main risk factors by comprehensive analysis.
To extrapolate to the overall population (where applicable) the authors used the population attributable risk percentage (PAR %).
作者利用人群归因危险度百分比(PAR %)来评价整个人群(适用的人群)。
The index burn injury was estimated to account for 38% (attributable risk percent) of all recorded deaths in the burn injury cohort during the study period.
RR and the attributable risk (ar) % in the case nuclear family were also higher. It means that there was a strong relationship between blood relatives and NIDDM.
病例核心家系的RR、归因危险度(AR) %也明显较高,进一步说明血缘关系与NIDDM之间有较强的联系。
We calculated the Numbers of total and premature deaths attributable to blood pressure using population-attributable risk, mortality, and the population size of China in 2005.
For each type of cancer, researchers calculated a population-attributable risk, which is the percentage of people who develop cancer who might have avoided it had they adopted low-risk behaviors.
Therefore, large numbers of defects are often more attributable to the complexity and risk of a piece of code than to the author's abilities.
For smoking-attributable cancers, the risk generally increases with the number of cigarettes smoked and the number of years of smoking, and generally decreases after quitting completely.
And they should look at house prices and the price of liquidity (defined as the interest spread on corporate bonds that is not attributable to the risk of default) as well.
Such changes in cash flow are attributable to a particular risk related to a recognized asset or liability or a highly probable forecast transaction and could affect enterprise' profit or loss.
Such changes in value are attributable to a particular risk and could affect profit or loss.
Microvascular dysfunction and subsequent ischemia may be important components of the risk attributable to HCM.
A decade ago they reported the increased risk of AMD attributable to cigarette smoking (JAMA 1996).
十年以前,他们报道AMD危险性的增加与吸烟有关(JAMA 1996)。
Such changes in value are attributable to a particular risk and could affect enterprise' profit or loss.
Such changes in value are attributable to a particular risk and could affect enterprise' profit or loss.