To read attributes, you stop at the start of an element and request a specific attribute, either by name or number.
In this instance you need to add another attribute to the tag, so change this line to read.
When the execution thread returns to the invoking application, it is the application's responsibility to read the value of the neededReports attribute and fetch the necessary reports accordingly.
However, if you were to use something like the NotSupported transaction attribute instead, it would cause the database query to read from the table, not the transaction log.
Once we have a particular attribute name we wish to get the associated value for, we allocate a ByteBuffer of the right size for the value and then call the view's read (String, ByteBuffer) method.
一旦我们拥有了想得到相关值的特定属性名,就为该值分配一个大小合适的ByteBuffer,然后调用视图的read (String, ByteBuffer)方法。
Basically, the attribute values are read off the instance element and copied to the right places in the shadow tree.
Personally, I find it much easier to read and write attribute-oriented XML formats than subelement-oriented ones.
This attribute is primarily used for read-only operations to the database.
As I extend Spring JMX, I'll demonstrate each of the three areas of concern with a simple use case: an example service with start and stop methods and a read-write attribute to be managed.
In order for our new property to be read correctly from the process definition and DB, we need to modify org.jbpm.jpdl.xml.JpdlXmlReader class to correctly read our new attribute (Listing 3).
为了让我们新加的属性能被流程定义和数据库正确读取,我们需要修改or g . jbpm . jpdl . xml .JpdlXmlReader类以正确地读取我们的新属性(清单3)。
I conclude the article with a working example based on a mockup service object with both start and stop methods and a read-write attribute to be managed.
The other way is to read it from the value binding that corresponds to the temporary loop variable, which is defined in the component tag's var attribute.
It then was read into a PERL script that used the data to create a batch file of Cleartool commands to assign to the elements their attribute values.
之后读入一个PERL脚本文件import_attr . pl中,用这个数据建立一个Cleartool命令的批处理文件去分配元素的属性。
Reading ability is an important attribute of learning capability, so learning to study must learn to read.
Gets a value indicating whether the property this attribute is bound to is read-only.
Gets a value indicating whether the property this attribute is bound to is read-only.