This does not present a problem if you only plan to use the FastTrack mapping specifications for audit and governance purposes.
In such a case an onsite follow-up audit based on theaccepted action plan shall be scheduled prior to the next audit.
Plan, execute and complete audit fieldwork according to established schedule.
A back to basics approach means that internal auditors can no longer leave out the key financial component of the audit plan.
Evaluate, audit and analyze suppliers' capability. Assist supervisor to complete all the plan parameter of supplier and keep a record.
Implement the annual audit plan, as approved, including as appropriate any special tasks or projects requested by management and the audit committee.
Prepare monthly audit plan. Issue the audit report within one week after each audit project completed.
The production planner is responsible to formulate the company production plan. The department manager is responsible for audit.
The management representative shall, according to the annual audit plan, appoint audit team leader and internal quality auditors for each audit.
It is also important that the auditor maintains the schedule outlined in the audit plan.
Establish, audit, track correlation response plan and repair measures by using key measurable and charts.
Support the completion of the OHP file and push the convergence plan carried out very month. Participate in EE audit and deploy the EE tools in shopfloor.
Audit risk is considered the important element of making audit plan, carrying out its procedure, taking out its report and so on in the process of audit.
In the circumstance of computer informational system, many changes have happened in commercial bank's operation, such as audit procedure, audit plan, the test of interior control, etc.
The alignment of the internal audit department's strategic plan to the agency strategic plan can provide management with pertinent information that can be used in decision-making.
Each centralized audit, the management representative shall appoint audit team leader, by the audit team leader making the audit plan, selection of auditors.
An audit team is established according to the audit plan; members of the audit team should be ensured qualified through training.
The audit report should be issued within the agreed time period in accordance with the audit plan.
The corrective action plan must be agreed upon by the inspector and the facility management prior to closing the audit.
The management representative will organize the lab to perform internal quality audit according to the annual internal quality audit plan.
The workshop provides the basis for development of the internal audit plan to mitigate and manage exposures.
They also have to plan adequate time to review the work of the internal audit function.
This activity shall be shown on the audit plan and is in addition to the total audit days and in addition to the normal eight (8) hour workday.
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.
If the certification body moves significantly from the base head count distribution calculation, an explanation is required in the audit plan documents.
Layered Audits: a documented layered audit plan shall exist with a minimum frequency of once per shift.
An audit plan shall consist of the two parts of word explanation and tabular expression.
An audit plan shall consist of the two parts of word explanation and tabular expression.