Authorization code which includes two groups: group 1 is the month to 5-bit binary code, date of group 2 is 5-bit binary code.
Authorization checking performed in this way will be somewhat slower than inline code, particularly when invoked through a separate process.
The first is a time-based authorization mechanism and the second is the ability to be further expanded by other macros and code.
But lots of programmers could know the application's DB2 authorization ID and password-because, as mentioned, these are embedded in program code.
但是许多程序员可能知道应用程序的DB 2授权ID和密码,因为前面已经提到,这些信息嵌入到程序代码中。
A developer can authorize or deny arbitrary functionality as needed, but the application's authorization policy is now partially or completely embedded in its code.
Instead of giving your ATM card and PIN code, the card can double as a credit card with a signature authorization.
Legacy portals had been deployed with custom authorization and authentication methods, each with custom code that needed to be updated and maintained.
In fact, custom code written for authentication or authorization is generally pretty easy to find or hack holes in.
Understanding and maintaining the authorization policy will be an order of magnitude more difficult, even if the code is free from defects.
Apparently that violates Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 47 of the United States Code, which covers anybody who "intentionally accesses a computer without authorization or exceeds authorized access."
Tivoli provides a solution that relieves the business code from having to implement that kind of authorization extension.
It's certainly possible to factor code to adapt to this lack of fine control, but eventually the rigidity of declarative authorization will begin to warp and complicate the application's structure.
It's certainly possible to factor code to adapt to this lack of fine control, but eventually the rigidity of declarative authorization will begin to warp and complicate the application's structure.