Stillman has advice for dealing with an autistic child.
You try to relate to your autistic child, and the child doesn't respond.
That isn't the fault of the autistic child who does exist, and it shouldn't be our burden.
I wish the autistic child I have did not exist, and I had a different (non-autistic) child instead.
Less useful was what the books had to say about the reaction of most parents to learning that they have an autistic child.
Comprehensive interference blending play therapy and sensory integration therapy were implemented for an autistic child case.
By accepting and embracing the human condition, I could better accept and embrace Rowan and also my role as the mother of an autistic child.
Producer Emily Gerson Saines, who is herself the mother of an autistic child, thanked Grandin for her work in spreading knowledge about the condition.
I dislike the hierarchy of human value it implies and, every time it leads a parent to believe that his or her autistic child will never feel love, I want to cry.
Families with autistic children can expect to spend $30, 000 annually to provide proper medical, educational and other assistance necessary for dealing with an autistic child.
So, while I was working out my notice, we interviewed about a dozen candidates - mostly students - and hired three: a student; a foreign graduate; and a mother with an autistic child of her own.
在我准备辞职期间,我们面试了十几个候选人- - -多数是学生- - -最后敲定了三个:一个是在校学生,一个是外国研究生,另一个是自己也有个孤独症孩子的母亲。
Lack of this skill is often one of the first signs that a child may be autistic, and although the boy didn't learn the skill from Bandit, the robot did bring it out.
If I were born more recently, my condition would probably have been diagnosed as being "on the autistic spectrum", but then I was a "problem child".
Parents often report that learning their child is autistic was the most traumatic thing that ever happened to them.
"In order to get specialized services, often one-to-one education, a child must have a diagnosis of Asperger's or some other autistic disorder," he says.
Stanton believes that the big problem for parents whose children have just been diagnosed as autistic is that they are told to do everything they can to "rescue" their child from autism.
She recalls one child, a high-functioning nine-year-old autistic boy who struggled to communicate and interact with others.
Research published this year showed a link between higher levels of the male hormone testosterone in the amniotic fluid surrounding a foetus and autistic traits when the child was eight.
The National Autistic Society says some of its members think a test to predict autism could be useful in helping parents prepare and get support for their child.
英国全国自闭症协会(The National Autistic Society)称:它的一些会员认为,用检查来预知自闭症可能会帮助父母为抚养这个孩子做好准备,并得到支持。
Compared with them, the normally developed child had the most superior ability of psychological inference, the next was the high-functionally autistic one and the mild mental retarded child came last.
Certainly, for a family wherever we go we have to you know consider that we have a child who is autistic.
Certainly, for a family wherever we go we have to you know consider that we have a child who is autistic.