The hydraulic amplifier is the hydraulic control system based on the theory of hydraulic drive and automatic control.
Device used to move automatic guns in a vertical plane. A reversing or reciprocating drive system provides motion.
It is worth noting that more than 40 hours not wearing the automatic winding watches should be on again when wearing the crown, twenty turns, in order to drive the system to start the movement again.
The drive software of the shaft angle synchro converter has been applied in a weapon automatic testing system.
The preparation of the control procedures, this paper introduces the TBM Systems and TBM cutter head drive propulsion system thrust automatic control and torque control of these two areas.
The intelligent vehicle, one kind of mobile robots, is an integrated system which integrates multiple functions such as environment awareness, planning decision and automatic drive.
The automatic baiting agencies mainly consist of the automatic fixture, the manipulator for picking up the workpiece and billets and the drive and control system.
Automatic yarn let-off system which used change gear drive for regulating run-in values.
Automatic yarn let-off system which used change gear drive for regulating run-in values.