Automatic detection system by controllable electronic load and its control equipment, power can be key indicators such as level of load balancing system for real-time detection.
In operation process of the power plant, when the trip trouble happened in its main auxiliary units, its automatic control system can lower the load quickly and safely.
The control system can realize working sites data automatic gathering and control of exhaust gas, noise, headlight, side slip, axle load, brake, etc.
This system can make automatic ignition, automatic interlock, automatic regulate work load, meanwhile it can control the product's quality.
高纯盐酸控制系统能实现自动点火,自动调节生产负荷, 在线控制产品质量,自动联锁保护等优点。
This paper mainly describes the configuration, network communication, control principle and the application of an automatic load change system used in an air separation plant.
The practical operation proves that the automatic variable-load control system works well.
Important function is played by identification of engine no-load mode in simulation of power transmission system, starting and automatic shifting control of motor vehicle.
The meaning of automatic load change control system used in oxygen making process is introduced according to relationship between steelmaking and oxygen making.
从转炉生产与氧气生产的关系, 说明采用制氧生产自动变负荷控制的意义, 并阐述自动变负荷系统的原理,控制参数和调节周期。
This paper described the automatic switch control system of double-load and double-supply with the function of phase-lack protection.
This paper described the automatic switch control system of double-load and double-supply with the function of phase-lack protection.