An automatic ultrasonic testing system for zirconium alloy bars was designed.
For the continuous and automatic testing with high precision, we designed an ultrasonic automatic test system for annular work-pieces.
PWA-1 automatic ultrasonic phased array testing system developed in our country was introduced, and the future improvement of the system was also described.
对国内率先开发的PWA - 1型全自动相控阵超声检测系统进行了详细介绍,并对该系统的进一步开发进行了展望。
Development of ultrasonic automatic testing system for gears has the vital significance to guarantee the quality of gears and enhance the reliability of mechanical device.
The reliability of automatic ultrasonic testing depends on the performance of ultrasonic testing system. Some aspects related to the reliability of automatic testing systems have been considered.
The reliability of automatic ultrasonic testing depends on the performance of ultrasonic testing system. Some aspects related to the reliability of automatic testing systems have been considered.