Other nutrients, such as iron and zinc, are available in a meatless diet, but you need to make an extra effort to ensure they're in yours.
Nuts are also available everywhere and greats sources of many nutrients.
You'll feel more confident and relaxed, and improved organ function will mean more nutrients and energy are available to nourish your brain.
You’ll feel more confident and relaxed, and improved organ function will mean more nutrients and energy are available to nourish your brain.
The growth of phytoplankton is kept in check by the amount of sunlight available for photosynthesis and the supply of crucial nutrients such as iron.
The most recommended form of chlorella is “broken-cell”, which increases the availability of the nutrients, and is available in tablets, capsules, or powder.
In recent years biologists have had considerable success in identifying the mechanisms by which cells detect the level of nutrients available to the body.
The public’s belief in the benefits of vitamins and nutrients is not supported by the available scientific data.
An organism, often a bacterium or fungus, that feeds on and breaks down dead plant or animal matter, thus making organic nutrients available to the ecosystem.
Where adequate quantities of certain nutrients cannot be provided in the diet, the inclusion of seasonally available vegetables will usually prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
It increased plough layer soil water and available nutrients content.
This paper studies the fertilization of gangue weathering matter centered around its serious deficiencies in organic active matter and available nutrients.
Fertilization can increase the contents of soil available nutrients.
The results showed that the levels of nutrients in the soils were very low, especially for the available nutrients in the soils.
Taking a typical karst mountain area, Nongla in Guangxi as an example, the correlation between soil organic matter and the content of available nutrients in selected soils was discussed in this paper.
Although eggs are important sources of cholesterol and other nutrients, limited and inconsistent data are available on the effects of egg consumption on the risk of CVD and mortality.
One rule of thumb for choosing between the many available varieties: the more color in the potato flesh, the more nutrients there will be.
The nutrients in whatever falls into the ocean quickly became available to other living creatures.
Plant's growth will be abnormal if proper nutrients aren't available.
The semi-variation structure for most soil available nutrients was obvious and the rate of structural variation accounted for more than 50% of the total variation.
Your dog might be eating cat poop or other animal poop to get key nutrients and minerals not available in his own food.
The organic matter content as well as the total and available contents of nutrients increased at the first 2~5 years, and then declined rapidly, especially for those in topsoils.
The reconstructive efficiency of soil available nutrient pool was dependent on the surplus or deficit of soil nutrients.
The results showed that, mulched hole planting could improve soil temperature, conserve soil moisture, and promote full release and efficient use of soil rapidly available nutrients.
The results showed that nutrients contents of the tree leaves and contents of the available nutrients of soil in the mixed stand and pure one varied with seasons of the year.
The contribution of different types of active soil organic carbon to soil available nutrients was different.
The content of soil nutrients, especially available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is one of the important bases to instruct scientific fertilization.
Since juicing removes the indigestible fiber, these nutrients are available to the body in much larger quantities than if the piece of fruit or vegetable was eaten whole.
The results showed that soil organic matter under alkaline soil condition may affect remarkably the content of available nutrients.
The results showed that soil organic matter under alkaline soil condition may affect remarkably the content of available nutrients.