While a backup stores exactly the data that is available in an instance, the template is designed for data that every new application instance created from the template should contain.
Tahini is a paste of ground sesame seeds and is available from most health food stores.
These products are available at home improvement stores, electronics stores, from technicians or online.
Not all of the music people download from P2P networks is music that they would buy in stores or via legit download sites were the downloading option not available.
从P 2 P网络下载的音乐并不是他们会从商店购买或者通过合法方式从网上下载的音乐。
From the agencies he went to the large department stores: there was a gooddeal of pomposity, some humiliation on his part, and finally the report thatwork was not available.
The handset is on sale in Tesco stores and tescocontractphones.com in July. It is also available from landroverphone.co.uk and gomobileuk.
该手机7月在Tesco商场及tescocontractphones.com 上有售,也可以在landroverphone.co.uk和gomobileuk.com上买到。
The iCarte attachment is available nationwide from KT outlets and from Apple stores and a range of other retailers for a one-off fee of 69, 300 won (US$58.74).
To keep the cord from moving, tie the cord to the stand using removable cable ties (available at most electronic supply stores).
Executives from the company, a deep-discount retailer with hundreds of stores in western states, were not immediately available for comment.
Under a license from GWAR, the GWAR action figures will retail for around $15 and will be available at specialty stores and mass retailers in Summer of 2006.
在一个执照之下从GWAR, GWAR行动形象将零售为大约$15和将是可利用的在名牌货商店和许多贩商在夏天2006 年。
From Hanjin's debut solo Mandarin album "Who is Hanjin" which will be available in stores soon!
From Hanjin's debut solo Mandarin album "Who is Hanjin" which will be available in stores soon!