Halfway through you available time, stop and rework your raw writing into something closer to finished product.
Halfway through your available time, stop and rework your raw writing into something closer to the finished product.
In this way, the Scheduler UI helps to speed up the search process for available time.
Your teen needs to work unless her school and academic demands take up all available time.
Whatever the reason, set a timer for 20 or 40 minutes (depending on the available time) and lie down.
不管理由为何,不妨把计时器调到20- 40分钟(视情况而定),躺下打个盹吧。
Finishing chores shouldn't be central to your weekend because they often expand to fill available time.
Yes, you can. This is a good habit, and we should utilize all available time to chant Amitabha Buddha.
Select date with the calendar located at left of the page, and select available time at the center of the page.
We divided our available time into two parts. First, we visited a famous tower to clarify our puzzles about it.
Some feature requests will be way beyond the scope of the original application and often exceed the available time and resources.
Their lives have obviously changed in the intervening years -- so that available time, money, and attention are now in more limited supply.
If there is no available time window, the module will give the reason. Users can analyze the satellite system's dynamic ability by the reason.
This must be traded against using those resources and the available time to move the project work forward and turn the scope into working software.
We discuss the nonpreemptive parallel machine scheduling problem with nonsimultaneous available time, the objective function is to minimize the makespan.
Another advantage is that it can be easier to calculate the testing effort required (as opposed to exploratory testing, which is often only bounded by available time).
Don't volunteer if you don't have time. If your workload is exceeding your available time and energy, make a comprehensive plan to ask the boss for help and resources.
First, a differential geometrical description equation is obtained based on differential geometry theory without the need to estimate the parameter of available time-to-go.
Moreover, the performers' satisfaction with the available time of facilities is the highest but low at the advertising help and the performing technical equipments offered by facilities.
I have now measured my productivity and realized the painful truth: I spent only 25% of my available time working towards my goals and wasted the rest of my time doing unimportant things.
The mean wind energy density, mean effective wind energy density and annual available time of wind energy are calculated by using Two-Parameter Weibull Distribution function of wind speed.
Audit working papers shall record the names, sources and available time of audit testimonial materials obtained in the course of audit together with the attachment of such materials as appendices.
Why do we indulge in the myth that the fabulous wealth generated by this mode of production will in the fullness of time become available to all people?
The debate here will be limited in two main respects in view of the time available.
This can make them feel happier, which lets them be more available to their child the rest of the time.
During this time when fewer natural foods are available and air temperatures are lower, extra feeding can keep a bird warm and well.
Prices fluctuate, in response to harvests, natural disasters and political instability; and when they rise, it takes some time before new sources of supply become available.
By the time these "solutions" become widely available, scammers will have moved onto cleverer means.
Soap operas and variety shows were at first available only with a time delay, but in July, TU struck a deal with MBC to provide a live feed.
肥皂剧和综艺节目一开始只能延迟播出,但在7月,TU与MBC 达成协议,提供现场直播。
Soap operas and variety shows were at first available only with a time delay, but in July, TU struck a deal with MBC to provide a live feed.
肥皂剧和综艺节目一开始只能延迟播出,但在7月,TU与MBC 达成协议,提供现场直播。