The service provider guarantees that the services it provides will be available for a certain percentage of time (for example, 99.9%).
Once a new version of the service becomes available, the old version is declared deprecated, indicating that it will be decommissioned after certain period of time.
Prevent denial of service attacks: Using XKMS to get key information is useful if it is available when needed and within a reasonable amount of time.
防止服务的抵赖攻击(denial of service attack):使用XKMS来获取密钥信息比较有用,前提是XKMS在需要的时候可用,并且这一过程能在合理的时间内完成。
This includes information provided at the time of requesting or using a service available through the Platform, or requesting further information.
This includes information provided at the time of requesting or using a service available through the Platform, or requesting further information.