It seemed to promise that people would no longer need to move physically to places and times where information was available, since all information would be everywhere, all the time.
He takes the time to explain the available options, make recommendations, state the total costs, and promise a date when the work can be completed.
The banks have to promise to make as much available in loans to homeowners and small businesses for the next three years as they did in 2007 at the height of the credit bubble.
They also promise to make available Enyo, their HTML-based framework which allows applications to run in any WebKit browser.
Super-fast broadband will be available to every home in the UK by 2020, the prime minister is to promise later.
If employers tell their new employees that a pension saving plan is available, and even promise to match employees' contributions, a significant fraction of employees still will not participate.
The rotating horizontally feeding seedling mechanism with combined seedling cup is easy to operate, and promise higher productivity and available for transplanting different size seedlings.
The on hand balance of an item, less the allocation, leaves the balance available for production or to promise to customer orders.
Service is important to any business, they promise their sales staff is available via phone or email to answer your questions or for you to request FREE fabric or metal samples.
That technology is going to be available either in clinical studies or is already available in Europe where they promise to offer the opportunity for better success in doing complex procedures.
Several years ago I made a promise to make these plans available to the public at no cost.
Several years ago I made a promise to make these plans available to the public at no cost.