The average temperature is below 50°C.
The average temperature on Mars is 80 degrees below zero, and can get a lot colder at times.
For the Earth to maintain a constant average temperature, such emissions from the planet must balance incoming solar radiation.
Could the increase in carbon dioxide cause a global rise in average temperature, and could such a rise have serious consequences for human society?
In fact, the average temperature of the continent's central area is 57℃.
In Denmark, there can be up to 17 hours of darkness per day in winter, and the average temperature is around 0℃.
With the average temperature ranging from 6℃ to 16.7℃, Fenghuang County takes pride in its over 3,333 hectares of bamboo forest, providing a good living place for giant pandas.
The average temperature is moved up by more than 1 degrees centigrade.
The average temperature is minus 60 degrees, but it can be colder sometimes.
Nepal's average temperature has increased by 1.5c since 1975.
Increases in average temperature will be less noticeable than those in extremes.
The difference in average temperature between Napa and Fresno was 5 degrees Fahrenheit.
Earth's average temperature then is estimated to have been around 73 degrees Fahrenheit.
Since 1970 the average temperature in the South has increased by two degrees Fahrenheit.
Although the average temperature is-25C, it can plummet to -40 or soar to zero in the summer.
If this current stopped, the average temperature in Europe might fall by five to ten degrees Celsius.
The global average temperature for 2010 could be the highest since records began in the 1850s, Pope said.
Vicky Pope博士说,2010年全球平均气温可能是从19世纪50年代有记录开始以来最高的。
Scientists have predicted that the global average temperature will rise by 1-2 degrees centigrade by 2050.
Each has its own ways to check and process data and to make the final calculation of global average temperature.
This matters because increasing the average temperature only a bit can multiply the number of the hottest days a lot.
Average temperature of a month is 7-13c (45-55f) that is higher than its nearby cities, such as Chengdu, Chongqing and Kunming.
Then, they followed with more specific, quantifiable questions about phenomena such as drought frequency and average temperature.
They calculate that within 30 years average temperature could be 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit, or 2 Celsius, higher than in the mid-1800s.
The world is heading for an average temperature rise of nearly 4C (7F), according to analysis of national pledges from around the globe.
Increases in average temperature and rainfall were associated in Zanzibar with higher Numbers of cholera cases within a definite time period.
That period was chosen largely because the U.S. National Weather Service USES a three-decade period to define "normal" or average temperature.
An increase of between 1-4 degrees Celsius in average temperature will cause a drastic decline in the index of tourism comfort all over the region.
报告中陈述道:平均气温上升1 -4摄氏度将对所有地区的旅游舒适指数造成极大的下降。
"When we average temperature over five or ten years to minimise that variability, we find global warming is continuing unabated," Hansen concluded.
“人们通常关注年平均温度,这个数值可以给年份排序,但是这种排序经常没有意义”,GISS所长 Jams Hansen说道 "热带厄尔尼诺--拉尼娜现象的循环造成了全球气温的巨大年际变化,当把5年或十年的气温平均看,我们就会发现全球变暖的趋势有增无减。"
You do not need a comprehensive set of surface-temperature data to notice that this is not the average temperature at which humanity goes about its business.
You do not need a comprehensive set of surface-temperature data to notice that this is not the average temperature at which humanity goes about its business.