He was now playing the role of disinterested host and avuncular mentor.
The linear relationship between paternity index and avuncular index is exhibited.
Only his facial twitches and the ghost of an old stammer gave the lie to his calm, avuncular image.
He is an avuncular man in his fifties with a hairless pate and a perfect trapezoidal moustache that fans out to the corners of his mouth.
Mr Sarkozy seems to think that he has an avuncular influence over Mr Medvedev, ten years his junior, and that he can build a grown-up relationship on this.
At that point, Schmidt put an avuncular hand on Page's shoulder and brought him back to the real world. Now, with Page as CEO, that hand is less likely to be there.
Though he looks like an avuncular conductor of a giant toy train set, he labors daily trying to give away one of the world’s biggest fortunes, that made by his son at Microsoft.
In popular culture today, Twain is "Colonel Sanders without the chicken, the avuncular man who told stories," Ron Powers, the author of "Mark Twain: a Life," said in a phone interview.
In popular culture today, Twain is "Colonel Sanders without the chicken, the avuncular man who told stories," Ron Powers, the author of "Mark Twain: a Life," said in a phone interview.