Once this is done I can make the RTV molds, produce tool stone plugs and away we go.
Before you get carried away with your little scene, Miss Wenzmore, I regret to have to tell you again that we are not planning to go into television.
I am afraid I shan't see Peter and his goats, if we have to go away so soon again.
The kids said: "Dear mother, we will take good care of ourselves. You may go away without any anxiety."
If we choose to run away, it will follow us wherever we go.
If we go far enough away from the earth, then we will find there is no air.
We like to go to eat in fast food restaurants, but children only play with the plastic toys they give us for a few minutes before they get thrown away.
If we interrupt the thought and push it aside with another distraction, the urge should go away.
You see, when all the people run away, we monsters go into their houses and take all their food.
We all screw our children up somehow: I may not lose my temper or withdraw my love or fill him with guilt, but I go away a lot, often to places that aren't very safe.
We couldn’t go there and help the people who need help, because we were so far away.
But I can tell you that the wrong answer is to pretend like this problem will go away if we maintain an unsustainable status quo.
We don't just wave our tears to go away, we plant them. They produce joy.
We need to understand what kinds of other materials need to go in the fuel such as the cladding, the internal structures that could be absorbers that will take away neutrons.
"A lot of people say it is important to visit but maybe in a month or two when the cameras go away - we don't know when is the best time."
On the other hand, we could have walked away and allowed two major auto companies to go out of business - which could have wiped out one million American jobs.
We are very much hoping and saving to go on a vacation in February - when we REALLY need to get away.
All too often, we think that if you just keep pushing, maybe the mystery problems will go away and the project will get back on track.
And while it is unlikely that Kennedy would ever have got away with suggesting that we choose to go to the moon to crash, LCROSS does offer some hope of a faster, cheaper future for space exploration.
It is about two kilometers away from our homes, so we decided to go there by bike.
More and more often today, we also see situations where the individual loses her job, but her old corporate responsibility, and the projects she was working on, dont go away.
But hiding it is not going to make it go away. If we don't confront it, it's going to get worse.
My father told me this morning to hold myself in readiness, because he has business, and we may go away from here.
That is why we are doing away with the poorly planned, haphazard approach that let those detainees go in the past.
Or, to put it another way: We found him, he's ours, you can't have him. Sorry, GM (and no, you can't have Apple Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook, either), go away.
When the unemployment rate finally starts to go in the other direction, we can start to think about putting the umbrellas away.
Will we need personal trainers in the future? "I don't think they'll go away because there will always be people who prefer the 'human touch' but the machines will get better at coaching."
Will we need personal trainers in the future? "I don't think they'll go away because there will always be people who prefer the 'human touch' but the machines will get better at coaching."