He turned up at the hospital bearing gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy.
I have a baby boy, so another good thing is that my dog watches out for him, too.
A baby boy born in ancient Rome had a life expectancy of 22 years.
A quick caesarean section later, and she was the baffled mother of a bouncing baby boy.
Today we give thanks and praise to Almighty God for the arrival of the Royal baby boy.
Before long, Ruth had a baby boy. All the women of Bethlehem came to see Naomi's grandson.
Five years later, his mother renamed him Marion Mitchell Morrison, bestowing Robert on a new baby boy.
He wrote: "it is with great joy and emotion that I inform I have recently become father to a baby boy."
As I held our beautiful baby boy in my arms, I was filled with an overwhelming urge to love and protect.
When the cleric awakened from the anesthetic, he was told that by some miracle he'd delivered a baby boy.
Worse was the guilt that while she lay there, I knew she had given birth to a beautiful baby boy and she didn't.
Unfortunately, a year later, while giving birth to a baby boy, the mistress died leaving her husband in great sorrow.
The bouncing baby boy happily, but rather surprisingly, arrived in the world with the help of the flight's cabin crew.
So my parents, who wereon a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking:We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?
Last month my cousin had a baby boy and he set out to have him circumcised - I'd just returned from Kenya, and I'd been lecturing him.
According to family lore, the ring was given as a gift from the collector to his wife in celebration of the birth of their first baby boy.
New York - a performance artist who said giving birth is the "highest form of art" has delivered a baby boy - inside a New York City art gallery.
But sure enough, just as the prophet Elisha told her, the next year she was staring down at a beautiful, healthy baby boy, her very own son.
However, despite the tragic circumstances of his birth, the beautiful baby boy brought great happiness to the lives of Beddgelert and his master.
A baby boy in the UK savaged by 2 pet dogs may have suffered more than 20 bite wounds before he bled to death at his grandmother's home recently.
Police say a baby boy whose troubled mother laid him in the manger of a church nativity in hopes that someone would find and care for him is doing well.
Firstly, a baby boy may be born with a brain structure that is more feminine than masculine, in other words, a boy who will most likely be gay by puberty.
An Indonesian woman has given birth to an 8.7-kilogramme (19.2-pound) baby boy, the heaviest newborn ever recorded in the country, a doctor said Wednesday.
With that, my beautiful, mop-topped, brown eyed baby boy finds the "on" switch and starts running my big ol 'dildo all over his head. "Like this, Mama?"
With that, my beautiful, mop-topped, brown eyed baby boy finds the "on" switch and starts running my big ol 'dildo all over his head. "Like this, Mama?"