My father often says when I was a baby I would never go to sleep without soft, beautiful lullabies crooning around my ears.
Yu father often says when I was a baby I would never go to sleep without soft, beautiful music, Now music is a part of my life.
"As I can't be father," he said heavily, "I don't suppose, Michael, you would let me be baby?"
I remember looking down at our newborn baby and thinking about how different his life would be there.
On arrival he read my palm and pronounced that I would father two children – a girl called Baby Rosemary and a boy named James Bond.
When we were getting ready to have our first child, I decided that I would quit my job, work out of home as a freelancer, and take care of our baby while Greta finished graduate school.
The boss would ask several questions about my qualifications, then he’d say: ‘I see you just got married. When will you have a baby?’
If my Dad were alive today, the thing I think he would be most happy about is that Lucy and I have a baby 14 in the hopper.
(Pause) Sometimes at night, I would hear the baby cry and see blood all over the place.
I thought he was dead. (Pause) Sometimes at night, I would hear the baby cry and see blood all over the place.
"I would encourage breastfeeding amongst mothers because it's not only healthy for the baby, it's healthy for you too," she said.
When my son was an infant, my husband and I would check various growth and development baby books and make ourselves nutty with thoughts like, "Hey!"
I assure my baby brother that no one would be able to deduce anything about his disease risks - about anything at all he might want to keep to himself - from the test.
From time to time I would spy a light on in an upstairs bedroom, sometimes the sound of voices raised - a baby crying, a couple squalling, a TV turned up loud.
I would love to go this summer but I am due to have a baby at the same time the festival is going on.
I understand the supportive intent, but what would really be helpful is the name a good pediatrician and the offer of no-longer-used, in-full-compliance baby stuff.
I remember visiting him before his first child could even speak and he would not do baby talk.
I knew exactly what to expect in the future. The children would grow up and leave home, my husband and I would grow old together, and we'd baby-sit the grandchildren.
"I got a 4-inch beanie baby box and tacked on some solar cells to see how many would fit on the surface, " Twiggs says. "I had enough voltage for what I needed so I decided that would be the size."
Ascenio next door, and asked her if she would watch the baby while I wasgone; she always needed extra money.
I noticed when I would buy gerber baby food my daughter would not eat it, but with these she will.
Looking after my baby was a most challenging experience, but one that I would not exchange for anything.
Baby I don't know what I would do, I'd be lost if I lost you.
Mrs. Huang: Yes. I painted watercolor and small synthesize material. I painted my lovely baby, but I would change my painting style intentional. Something would change naturally.
I grieved not only for the upcoming loss of my mother, but also that she and my baby would never know each other.
When I was a little bitty baby, my mama would rock me in the cradle in them old cotton field back home.
When I was a little bitty baby, my mama would rock me in the cradle in them old cotton field back home.