No matter how many times I repeated my story, we came back to the same place.
No matter where people go and no matter how far they go, they will go back home enjoying family time during Spring Festival.
"It does not matter," thought she, "when we turn back, I shall be so much nearer home than he."
It is only a matter of time before a satellite comes back to the earth.
In the new year, no matter how far it is, we come back to have a big dinner together with all the family members.
If you scratch my back, then I scratch yours - no matter how much later - that's not selfless either.
In the top 200 metres or so of the sea, some dead or faecal matter is turned back into CO2 by microbes and may then re-enter the atmosphere.
No matter what, they were leaving there and then; once they arrived, they would come back for Mrs. Kimble.
No matter where the radar signal hits the plane, some of the signal gets reflected back.
Back when our universe was still in its earliest birthing throes, matter and antimatter were colliding and annihilating each other out of existence constantly.
It does not matter if your back hurts, you are tired after a long day at work or you just can't take all the responsibilities anymore.
Once that happens, it can't be taken back, no matter how earnestly you proclaim otherwise afterwards.
IT SEEMS only a matter of time before Tony Hayward is granted his wish to get his life back.
Then, find items in your budget on which you can cut back, no matter how small they are.
Ever notice how some people just seem to be able to be content and bounce back no matter what the circumstances?
I joined the crush and quickly found seat 084. My seat — essentially a plank of wood with some back support — placed me next to a window that, no matter how hard I tried, would not budge open.
But it is fair to ask: Why don't we scale back the obsession with "bubbling things in" and challenge students everywhere - no matter their ZIP code - to show their innovation and creativity?
Various underground experiments back on Earth have been trying to detect dark matter, using different techniques.
As the report suggests, once the truth gets twisted, straightening it back out is no easy matter.
No matter what a person's income bracket is, most can usually find a way to cut back on frivolous spending, just like a few frugal billionaires.
Rarely is the migration of a production run time environment a simple matter of shutting everything down, installing new hardware and starting everything back up.
In that virtual version of the gigantic encounter, dark matter falls to the centre of the collision, and then rebounds back out.
So it is just a matter of time before the Beveridge curve snaps back into shape.
You can turn your back on the social networks that matter in your field and be free and independent running your own site on your own domain.
Thus, it is able to bring the filesystem back to a consistent state in a matter of seconds.
In many ways, this momentous change is a matter of "back to the future" rather than the definitive end of the past.
Apparently some applications are ignoring the second part and just exiting the application no matter when the back button is pressed.
Back on the tundra reindeer herders say that finding mammoth remains is largely a matter of luck.
The history of banking often goes back only a matter of hundreds of years.
We probably won't ever get to know the real truth behind the entire fiasco and what her real motive was in deciding to run away and come back in a matter of 48 hours.