I don't know why the guy yelled at me. And as for going back there, certainly I would never go back, for fear of receiving further abuse.
The book says, "Then with one back-handed stroke he slew poor Guy of Guisborne."
The first clown in space, Canadian circus tycoon Guy Laliberte, arrived safely back on earth Sunday touching down in a Russian Soyuz capsule in Kazakhstan, the Russian mission control centre said.
If you want to feel better about your day, buy the guy in back of you at Starbucks a cup of coffee.
That I really think brought me back to what it means having the guy not pay us the contracts, the money he owed us or having the guy read my email and do businesses.
You are the guy who proposed to her on the plane back to Melbourne and made her dizzy.
I continued to walk on but this particular friend of mine rushed back to the guy to put him back on his feet again.
When he hands out a card with a cartoon on the back the recipient knows “Hey this guy makes cartoons.”
A guy is reading his paper when his wife walks up behind him and smacks him on the back of the head with a frying pan.
At every stop someone would soon be prodding and poking my bike. Once I even came back from refilling my water bottles to find one old guy wheeling around on it precariously.
The only thing this guy has planned is to sit back, relax, and antagonize all the “uptight bookworm worriers" by liking their pre-exam panic Facebook statuses.
So back up here in Nottingham, back at 'game city', I'm with the guy whose fault it all is.
That guy took off in an Astra, came down in a parachute, and landed back at base in a helicopter.
Jim is always the guy that takes us back to 'What difference is this going to make for the hamburger business?
"I swear I'm not the kind of guy who hears voices," Srivastava says. "But that night, as I passed the station, I heard a little voice coming from the back of my head."
We had this ability to be kind of a yin and yang on problems: one guy would say that's unsolvable, and our roles would flip back and forth.
For example, until recently, if I wanted to pay for my Yu Hsiang broccoli with a credit card, the delivery guy would have to go back to his car to retrieve a manual imprinter and a ballpoint pen.
When he came back he asked me "Didn't you see that guy?"
For those of you who may not remember, Sisyphus, of Greek mythology, was the guy condemned to push a boulder up a hill, watch it roll back down, and repeat this for all eternity.
Your guy lies on his back, one leg outstretched and the other bent, knee pointing upward.
Mr Buffett is a modest, laid-back and fabulously wealthy guy.
Is there a person who's keeping this guy back in the wings, who's not letting this divine self-promoter set himself up in Jerusalem?
Then, of course, they had to ring me back later that same evening and tell me they were going bail the guy.
You are the guy that had to bear all the crap when she couldn't decide who she liked better, you or some other guy back home.
They were unsteady on their feet and the guy pulled his trousers up and helped the girl put hers back on.
I got back to the headquarters, called the guy who was in charge of our environmental work.
The one guy the Lord used as the final "straw" that broke my spiritual back was a guy named Richard (who is now on Death Row on another charge).
被狱长欺压到极限的男孩,让我重新找到了精神寄托。 这个男孩名叫理查德(如今在另一家监狱被判处死刑)。
The one guy the Lord used as the final "straw" that broke my spiritual back was a guy named Richard (who is now on Death Row on another charge).
被狱长欺压到极限的男孩,让我重新找到了精神寄托。 这个男孩名叫理查德(如今在另一家监狱被判处死刑)。