He appeared to back-pedal on that statement.
You may have to back-pedal to find ways to make a present endeavor more compelling and marketable.
As soon as the driver puts the car in gear and touches the gas pedal, the engine starts back up.
History was his loathing for the perfect body he woke in if the juice dropped, his fury at the pedal-cab driver, and her refusal to look back through the contaminated rain.
I picked up my pace and got back into a rhythm, feeling my pedal strokes and paying attention to my breath.
Tony smashed the gas pedal, the van shot forward, and Jack was jolted back in his seat by the abrupt acceleration.
This USES the car's momentum when the accelerator pedal is not being pressed to generate electricity and feed it back into the battery.
A fitness freak, Salman is also a regular cyclist and loves to pedal his way from home to the sets and back.
Lin Yan, just a squad of our alliance seals forest in the ice pedal Ao a life time all of the all people in the world hanged back.
Dad: Well, it is your birthday. I'll hold the back of the bike while you pedal.
Standard equipment with machine: Manual change. Back stop device, Quick change, Mold the cupboard. Foot pedal.
In a square nearby the community where its master lives are many fitness apparatuses, one of which is a double pedal swing for moving legs back and forth. It's Bei Bei's favorite.
History was his loathing for the perfect body he woke in if the juice dropped, his fury at the pedal - cab driver, and her refusal to look back through the contaminated rain.
On the front side of the mobile phone there is Ferrari logo and on its back Vertu Ascent Ferrari 1947 has miniature gas pedal, which looks just like modern Ferrari pedal.
The brake pedal is arranged at the back of the accelerator pedal and the width can be longer along the vertical line to ensure the rear sole of the foot completely support on the pedal.
The person on the car, and then on the brake pedal is motionless, the car under put irritating to repeat the process until the brake fluid flip so far no air, then loaded back to screw.
There is reasonable design and high security on the low non-slip pedal and the access platform of the back door of the cabin.
There is reasonable design and high security on the low non-slip pedal and the access platform of the back door of the cabin.