The above expression combines character groups, greedy operators, back-tracking, and atomic groups to match nested tags.
He held off the back-tracking Ronaldo and skipped past Alvaro Mejia and Guti before racing into the area and muscling past Sergio Ramos.
Reporting and tracking results will be analyzed and flow back into the optimization of the marketing campaigns and the website funnel.
Part of the fight-back will include tracking lions fitted with radio collars in the Amboseli area in southern Kenya, close to the border with Tanzania.
The cookies store information about the visitor. After creating the cookies on the visitor's machine, the tracking code waits to send the visitor data back to the Google Analytics server.
To demonstrate how coverage tracking works, I'm going to go back to the constructor for the StringArray class I've used throughout this article.
Divide project into components: For defect analysis and tracking back to development stage, we should divide the project into several components.
The source control and work item integration allows developers to work with development artifacts under source control while tracking changes back to work items for project transparency.
For table space tracking, a flag for each table space indicates whether a table space is dirty and need to be back up.
The movements are calculated by projecting a grid of infrared light spots into a room, tracking how light bounces back, and correlating this with information from the stereo cameras.
To save money and pounds, start tracking how often you eat out and how much you spend each month, and gradually cut back.
Portability is now seen as a serious concern, and developers don't want to spend a lot of time tracking each others' patches back and forth.
Tracking down a missing customer data update may require the Incident Analyst to check the diagnostics on the J2EE server and the existing back-end systems.
Tracking back from database query to the application can be difficult.
Mortgage rates have fallen back to historic lows, tracking declines in yields on American government bonds.
Playing in a support striker role, the rapidly maturing forward has chipped in with the goals while also tracking back to help midfield and defence.
That new line is then written back to the editor buffer by calling setline , and the line tracking is updated for the next iteration.
Rational Asset Manager makes finding and reusing solutions easy and gives the time spent tracking down this information back to the teams.
Tool tracking tells you who has them, where they are now, and when they are due back.
We keep tracking customers' most recent stock info to make sure back order never happens.
Take a look at what went wrong by back tracking and thinking about similar past events.
The researchers derived information from archived, handwritten administrative tracking sheets dating back to 1971.
In the study of MBE speech coding, a new efficient practical look-back and look-ahead pitch tracking smoothing algorithm is presented based on the dynamic programming approach.
However, if you must use original values for optimistic concurrency checks, then the presentation tier is responsible for tracking those values and sending them back when it makes updates.
We present an affine scaling trust region algorithm with interior back - tracking and subspace techniques for nonlinear optimizations subject to linear inequality constraints.
This paper looks back the study history and puts forward basic concept and metrics definitions of eye tracking technology.
This paper looks back the study history and puts forward basic concept and metrics definitions of eye tracking technology.