They could sail out for days into the unknown and assess the area, secure in the knowledge that if they didn't find anything, they could turn about and catch a swift ride back on the trade winds.
This reptile, with its iconic sail-shaped back, is often mistakenly identified as a dinosaur, and is even included in packages of toy dinosaurs.
The halyard typically rises from the head of the sail to a block at the head of the mast and back down to deck level, from where it is pulled up to raise the sail.
The vessels are taken over by armed pirates and then forced to sail to an unknown destination, where the cargo is discharged into a smaller tanker, and then the vessel is brought back and released.
On October 19, 1688, William of Orange attempted to sail from the Netherlands, but a gale forced his fleet back.
there is not a bridge,nor a boat--will you let us sail across on your white back?
When it was time for me to sail back to Cornwall, you came out and stood on a narrow rock, and we watched each other so far that only we two knew what was rock or boat or human.
But when it came back, hull have been attacked by wind erosion sail into the bejewelled children break. It has so much like a vagrant of the prodigal son, to the frivolous wind wanton bullying!
A father is neither an anchor to hold us back, nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way.
A plan is devised wherein the Spaniard would return with Friday's father to the mainland and bring back the others, build a ship, and sail to a Spanish port.
Not only that, this emperor has given a mandate to sail faster than ever before, take more passengers to more places faster than ever before, and bring back more treasures than ever before.
In this incredible hidden object adventure that spans over 28 years, help Robinson explore the island, fight with cannibals, visit a lost village and construct a new boat to sail back home!
Robinson explore the island, fight with cannibals, visit a lost village and construct a boat to sail back home!
At the top of the sail is a short SPAR called the gaff, which allows the sail to extend back along a fourth side, gaining size over a triangular sail of the same height.
Thee "Full Sail" management trainee project is a special talent development project that aims to foster back-up candidates for the bank's leadership positions.
Thee "Full Sail" management trainee project is a special talent development project that aims to foster back-up candidates for the bank's leadership positions.