Meanwhile, back at the farm, the man who had bought his farm happened to be crossing a small stream on the property one day when he saw something gleaming at the bottom of the stream.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch (or rather, at the farm he'd sold), the new owner had picked up an unusual looking rock about the size of a country egg, and put it on his mantle as a sort of curiosity.
Soon enough, though, she was back at it, rumbling around the back roads of Redford Township, just west of Detroit, where her family owned a sprawling dairy and potato farm.
On the second day after the funeral, Grandpa announced at the breakfast table, "This is a working farm. We have a lot of things to do. The rest of you should get back to your own lives.
I can do this. Just have patience, like Grannie. Looking up at the quilt, my memories take me back to childhood visits at my grandmother's Western Pennsylvania farm.
Of course, now that I'm off the farm and back at my computer, it's tough not to revert to my old ways.
He hesitated to go back to Bathsheba and a comfortable life on the farm. Perhaps Bathsheba would fail at farming and then he would be responsible for her.
Back home, the person who had bought his farm was watering the camels at a stream that ran through the farm.
Savannah: Letter Number 8, Dear John, I'm back at my parents' farm for the weekend, and they have some house guests you may know.
"Optimists will want the ADP employment figure to back up forecasts of a more modest decline in Friday's non-farm payrolls," said Daragh Maher, an analyst at Calyon Credit Agricole.
Looking up at the quilt, my memories take me back to childhood visits at my grandmother's Western 14 Pennsylvania farm.
Looking up at the quilt, my memories take me back to childhood visits at my grandmother's Western 14 Pennsylvania farm.