Back in those days of this theory, it was simply understood that somehow there was a break in 3d for a moment in order to create what you see.
This was not his land but back in those days it was not unusual to barter with the neighbours to worked it for them so he could grow the vegetables that he loved.
I may not have grown up in the '60s, but this series does an amazing job at bringing that decade to life and allowing us to understand how things were back in those days.
As hard as it was sometimes caring for my children when they were little, back in those days I at least stood a reasonable chance of protecting my sons and daughter from pain and loss.
When I think back to those special days, I appreciate that he helped me go through such a difficult time in my life.
I seemed to return back to the late 80s, those days of falling thick and fast in words and phrases. I believed in my youth age that living in garden, a rose can be got in fingertips.
Her painfully told, detailed account had brought those days back clearly in everyone's mind. They had also peeled back the curtain of time to show this woman when she had been vitally alive.
During those days, he did not play wildly as usual in his grandparents' home. Instead, he went back home very early and held the book silently.
Below is how I spent four of those days, biking anywhere from 15 to 40 miles a day and making it back to my base well before any leg cramps set in.
I can hardly believe now that in all those five days I had never once thought of taking the bidon back to the shop.
Two generations have gone by since the last real steel barons led the world in production and we look back on those days with nostalgia.
The New Year holiday nowadays empties the roads to such an extent that one thinks back to those quieter, simpler days, which in itself is something of a virtue.
To Welch, those early days in GE's plastics division represented a leadership ideal, and he spent years attempting to instill that same spirit of excitement back into the vastness of GE.
On those cloudy days, Robert Neville was never sure when sunset came, and sometimes they were in the streets before he could get back.
Now, we can, with them, go back that summer days in 1925 while reading the "diary" and seeing those "old pictures".
In those parting days, your voices, your smiles and the views of your back occupied me all over.
We all have those days when all we want is to crawl back in bed for a few more hours.
Therefore, in those days, even when our company was at its lows or harmed by malicious operations of other companies, I never gave up and always kept an upbeat attitude to fight back.
Governor Chris Christy, who ordered the restrictions about 10 days ago in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, says supplies are back up and there are no more long lines at those gas stations.
I miss those days spent in the school, but time cannot go back, just keep all in good and sweet memory. When we are missing those things, at least, they are our best gifts in life.
If the dead can come back to this earth and flit unseen around those they love, I shall always be with you in the brightest days and in the darkest nights.
American school busses these days really have come a long way from those traditional big yellow busses from back when we were in primary school…at least in Shanghai they have.
American school busses these days really have come a long way from those traditional big yellow busses from back when we were in primary school…at least in Shanghai they have.