'Burnley will need more than luck this time as Bendtner is certainly back on form following two midweek goals in Arsenal's Premier League win over West Brom.
What I want is for you to synthesize information to reflect back on what we've read and discussed and to form your own ideas, not just repeat points from the textbook.
Solution: I never thought I \ 'd say this, but it may be a good idea to cut back on potatoes in any form (especially the fries, fellas).
One could save that data dynamically on each page and pass it all as form data, but that poses problems when users backtrack or go to other sites then come back again.
For a tip on how to avoid problems with forms processing conflicting with browser Back and Reload buttons, see the form processing sidebar.
Impressionism stripped painting back to its roots, restoring the emphasis on pure form and pure colour.
Razor bumps form when hairs curl back on themselves and grow into the skin.
The two users can simultaneously collaborate on the data in the form without having to grant control back and forth.
This crescent-shaped ridge of sand dune in Oman was formed by strong trade winds that form a smooth hill facing the wind (left) and concave slipface on the back.
In fact, if you take the longest possible perspective -now looking back about four billion years -you will find that every life form on earth is related to every other.
In fact, if you take the longest possible perspective - now looking back about four billion years - you will find that every life form on earth is related to every other.
True individualism, he adds, was his decision to quit the engineering degree that back in the early 1990s that still guaranteed him a job, so he could learn to play guitar and go on to form P.K.14.
真正的个人主义,他接着说,是他当年做出的放弃工学学位的决定,1990年代早期,这样一个学位仍然可以确保一份工作,但只有做出这个决定,他才可以学习演奏吉他,并继续组建P. K . 14乐队。
The novel "Ghost Blows Out the Light" debuted as a smash hit on the Internet back in March last year, and was later released in printed form in October.
Complex and simple form layouts can provide equally great feedback and help users get back on track, as the following screenshots of SEOmoz and MailChimp show.
This is a form of back-end single sign-on (SSO) which you can use with many different systems (for example, PeopleSoft).
JQuery also provides for the facility to supply "form-encoded data" for passing parameters to a Web page, as well as providing a hint on what kind of data is expected back.
Hoping we'd get follow-on work in the form of Phase 2 of the project, we didn't want to create performance problems that could come back to haunt us.
Remon relies on a form of ultrasound that transmits energy to power the chip and prompt it to send back its pressure readings.
When a username and password is submitted in the form on firstpage.html, a request is sent back to Jetty for processing.
用户在firstpage .html的表单中提交用户名和密码时,一个请求被发送回Jetty进行处理。
SANDY: The form has a map on the back. You may specify your top four choices. We will give a spot in the lot that has an opening.
For some salespeople recognition is best delivered as a pat on the back, praise in front of peers, or in the form of formal trophies or awards.
These points on my global body are very painful, not unlike having a stiff neck or sore back or headache in human form.
Back region drafting form has effects on yarn evenness.
If you do not supply the perforated section of the color standard back to GMI, the evaluation of the test form may be put on hold.
On OS6 (Bold 9700) the camera in the app does not auto shutdown after taking a photo, I have to click the back arrow, which take me back to the form, and the photo is still taken as expected.
Return the form and cheque by mail. Write the student's name on the back of the cheque.
The study on today's urban form characteristics of Huhhot can help to trace back to the influence of Suiyuan City construction on evolution of the urban form of Huhhot.
With some conventional fuels, deposits may form over time on the back of the inlet valves.
With some conventional fuels, deposits may form over time on the back of the inlet valves.