The one-dimension bar code recognition system is a background program which supports the recognition system on mobile telephone.
After initialization, the system ran into the background program which includes keyboard, display module, SCI module, and fault processing module.
Similar to other distributed computing efforts, the Cels@Home is also based on a background program that retrieves, processes and sends data as soon as the Cels@Home screensaver is activated.
In the test program, we'll attach a wheel listener that has the background color loop through the array of colors based upon the direction, as shown in Listing 4.
Almost any interesting Basic program was full of low-level hacks, where one had to poke memory byte 714 to change the screen background color to yellow.
Listing 8 shows the createPipe subroutine used to set up a background connection to the cnee program.
Some service programs simply run a program in the background and then they themselves exit (in other words, the service program finishes, but the real work is still happening in the background).
More information becomes available, it is entered into the program, the calculations are modified, and the process continues (in that thread in the background).
To demonstrate the new AWT features, we'll create a program that sizes the screen to the full size (minus desktop adornments like the toolbar) and USES the new color constants to set the background.
Whetheryou're reading an example program, learning the background to a particularprocess, or being introduced to a new chapter, the style and form used allowthe reader to grasp concepts quickly.
This site provides some background information on each process as well as telling you the author and which program it is part of.
The program will silently listen in the background for any of the events from the ~/.toneFile listing.
程序将在背景中静静地侦听来自 ~/.toneFile 列表的任何事件。
Can a program automatically fill in the proper background to take the place of the ex-spouse?
Mr. Thomas said that about a dozen schools had started and dropped Singapore math, in some cases because teachers themselves lacked a strong math background and adequate training in the program.
Some people prefer to use an xterm as the session program, and run the window manager in the background.
And finally, it makes itself into a resident program (known as a daemon) so it can quietly process browser requests in the background while other processes are running.
In contrast, an MBA program is expected to have participants from a very diverse educational background, who should have a few years of full-time work experience.
Component, it runs in the background when the program runs.
With the advanced topic of 863 Program as research background, the paper makes some advanced researches on application of FES technology in future satellites.
You can also drag the required image into the workspace of the program (just the background image).
Level III individual, by the ASNT concept, was expected to have the necessary experience, education, and background to establish the program for any company's nondestructive testing needs.
在ASNT的概念中,II i级人员应具有必要的经历,教育背景和能为任何公司编制无损检测人员资格鉴定和认证规程。
In the current law, the design of recent program of victim-offender mediation can take criminal private prosecution and mediation system on traffic disturbance case as background.
The paper presents three guiding methods provided by TMS320C6000 of DSP, narrates the realization method of guiding program from ROM against the background of taking the modularity operation board.
The drawing program has simplified and the detail geographic information has appended by using the map background file.
Under this background, how to program regional sea-route net reasonably and efficiently has always been concerning by the researchers of the world.
Background video player, method for processing moving images on background screen using the same, and computer-readable storage medium for storing program for execution of either of them.
It is quite simple to work with, even by users with limited or no background in such software, since this program does not include configuration parameters.
"Special Finance Observation" is an interview program produced by Shenzhen Media Group under the macro background of financial crisis.
"Special Finance Observation" is an interview program produced by Shenzhen Media Group under the macro background of financial crisis.