After the new order is placed, the window in Figure 9 shows the output of the order-fulfillment services when the order is backordered.
The BackOrderStock session bean in the sample application provides a method for retrieving all inventory items that have been backordered (ordered but delayed awaiting resupply.
样例应用程序中的BackOrderStock sessionbean为检索所有已经被后台预定的 (预定了但是延时等待重新分配)详细目录提供了一种很好的方法。
The BackOrderStock session bean in the sample application provides a method for retrieving all inventory items that have been backordered (ordered but delayed awaiting resupply.
样例应用程序中的BackOrderStock sessionbean为检索所有已经被后台预定的 (预定了但是延时等待重新分配)详细目录提供了一种很好的方法。