Set the backout threshold on the MQREQUESTQ to 1 (see Figure 13).
That's a great backout plan-much easier than restoring from a backup.
The temporary backout queue that comes into play if there are transaction failures (ERRORQ)
如果存在事务故障,则使用临时回滚队列 (ERRORQ)
The file can be moved to a Backout Subdirectory (with or without a timestamp appended to the file name), or can be deleted.
If not, migration looks exactly like a failover test because the failback technique replaces the old style backout plan.
The BOQTHRESH attribute contains the number of times a message can be backed out before being placed into the backout queue.
Backout - the mapping between local and physical locations also makes the backout of virtualization technology from a system a less than trivial process.
In early application of fully mechanized top coal mining, Spontaneous fire took place when the backout of fully mechanized top coal caving face was stopped mining.
To prevent an infinite loop, IBM's JMS classes inspect the message's backout count, as well as the backout threshold and backout queue attributes of the input queue.
It solved the problems of no evidence and experience dependence construction in installation and backout of formwork-supporting system for multilayer concrete structures.
Multiple, built-in undo operations: Mercurial's revert, backout, and rollback commands make it easy to return to previous versions of specific files or previous sets of committed changes.
The bronchi supply air and pulmonary arteriessupply blood to the lungs. Together they take in air from theatmosphere, oxygenate the blood, and excrete the carbon dioxide backout of the body.
If you call the above code repeatedly, this count may reach the backout threshold configured on the destination, at which point the messages will be re-queued and no longer available for receipt.
A backout plan should be documented before migrating. It should detail what constitutes a successful migration, the conditions that trigger the backout procedure, and the backout procedure itself.
A backout plan should be documented before migrating. It should detail what constitutes a successful migration, the conditions that trigger the backout procedure, and the backout procedure itself.