External backup and restore using ontape.
Improved parallelism during Backup and Restore processes.
DB2 has backup and restore commands native to the DB2 engine.
Automatic ordering of dbspaces during backup and restore processes.
Databases can pose unique requirements for backup and restore solutions.
The backup and restore enhancements improve performance and debugging.
You can use the ontape utility to perform external backup and restore procedures.
Vendor - This option specifies that the vendor backup and restore API will be used instead.
In other words, the backup and restore functions are accomplished at the database level.
For the new database, schedule backup and restore commands using the tools provided with DB2.
对于新数据库,要使用DB 2所提供的工具来调度备份和恢复命令。
Oracle and DB2 UDB both have mechanisms to backup and restore both small and large databases.
Oracle和DB 2UDB都有一些备份和恢复小型数据库和大型数据库的机制。
This mode of backup and restore provided by DB2 Express-C comes with more colors and options.
Components implement this interface to participate in backup and restore operations for places.
You may also find third-party tools that provide backup and restore capabilities for databases as well.
To provide proper backup and restore functionality, MongoDB provides two utilities: mongodump and mongorestore.
The online backup and restore is a built-in mechanism provided to ensure no data is lost in corporate databases.
Backup and restore operations with the DB agent are logged for audit and sent to the security server by default.
For an overall comparisons, the following table show how they fare with one another in backup and restore space.
为了进行总体的对比,下面的表对比MySQL和DB 2Express - c在备份和恢复方面的差异。
There are faster and more efficient ways of doing that, such as using database backup and restore utility programs.
Being able to use the storage device to perform the data copy phase makes backup and restore operations much faster.
Reducing mail file size improves performance of view indexing, compact, backup and restore, and transaction logging.
The offline policy controls backup and restore commands, and the encryption and decryption of database backup images.
Next, choose whether to use a GUI-based backup and restore wizard or a Debian shell for advanced access and operation.
In most cases, the database system itself will provide one or more backup and restore mechanisms as part of the product.
Restore log file option restores the log files saved in the backup image (more applicable for online backup and restore).
Managing data requires specific skills in many areas, such as backup and restore, database design, and choice of service provider.
For a Windows system image, the option -rm-win-swap-hib saves backup and restore time by excluding the swap and hibernation files.
对于Windows系统映像,- rm - win -swap - hib选项非常有助于保存备份和恢复时间,它的做法是排除swap和hibernation文件。
CAI provides capabilities to backup and restore applications, and to manage composite application communities and support policies.
For instance, changing the name and the path associated with a database can be accomplished using DB2’s backup and restore commands.
比方说,修改和数据库相关的名称和路径可以使用DB2 的备份和恢复命令来完成。
DB2 Express-C comes with a built-in backup and restore mechanism. There is less worry for version mismatch or any compatibility issues.
DB 2Express - c附带一种内置的备份和恢复机制,所以不需要为版本不匹配或任何兼容性问题担心。