The bacteria colony has been isolated there for about 1.5 million years, researchers say, ever since the glacier rolled over the lake and created a cold, dark, oxygen-poor ecosystem.
The U.S. bacterial limit is no more than 500 colony-forming units of bacteria per milliliter of water.
Last year, researchers engineered an entire colony of bacteria to periodically fluoresce in unison, and we can expect many more papers exploring the behaviour of collections of cells.
Each time they found the same effect: the closer a nutrient-deprived colony grew to bacteria in a nutrient-rich medium, the slimier the former got.
The U.S. bacterial limit is no more than 500 colony-forming units of bacteria per millilitre of water.
The U. S. bacterial limit is no more than 500 colony-forming units of bacteria per millilitre of water.
The gelatinous, floating pancake is known as a SCOBY (for symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast).
Shopping cart handles led the way with 1100 colony forming units of bacteria per 10 sq cm, followed by a mouse used on computers in Internet cafes, which had an average of 690 colony forming units.
Adam: This plate has a whole herd of bacteria, with one frosty-looking colony in the middle.
Seeing from the morphology of the colony and the structure and the morphology of the bacteria, the fungus is identified as the sac fungi.
The optimal medium for the growth of lactics was chosen by detecting the number, size of colony and the size of calcium dissolving zone when the bacteria grew in different solid and semisolid medium.
Results The bacterial species in each sample were the same as that of colon contents. The bacteria-colony number of each sample in the experimental group was lower than that in control(P<0.01).
Colony colour and bacteria strains produce melanin content showed significant positive correlation.
Indigenous bacteria are a kind of microbial colony who live stably in reservoir.
Objective: To explore the effect of Qingjieling (QJL) induced endogenous granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) in strengthening host defence against bacteria in mice.
目的:为探讨清解灵(QJL)诱生的内源性集落刺激因子(G -CSF)对增强宿主防御功能的作用。
Objective: To explore the effect of Qingjieling (QJL) induced endogenous granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) in strengthening host defence against bacteria in mice.
目的:为探讨清解灵(QJL)诱生的内源性集落刺激因子(G -CSF)对增强宿主防御功能的作用。