Read flow meters, gauges and other recording instruments to measure water output and consumption levels, bacterial content, chlorine and fluoride levels.
Additionally, donor milk Banks pasteurize all milk prior to distribution and check it for bacterial content.
We determined the content of the total bacterial proteins and the proportion of recombinant porcine growth hormone(rpGH)in inclusion bodies(IBs)in the cultures of genetically engineered rpGH E.
We also find that the genomic GC content of bacterial and archaeal genomes is more important than phylogenetic lineage in gene recognition.
Methods the turbidimetric kinetic assay was adopted to quantitatively analyze the content of bacterial endotoxin, according to China Pharmacopoeia (2005 Edition 2).
Conclusion the turbidimetric kinetic assay can be used to determine the content of bacterial endotoxin of this mixture.
MethodsUsing kinetic turbidimetric limulus test method to determine the content of bacterial endotoxin.
Objective to study the best way to reduce bacterial content in the air of transfusion rooms.
Meanwhile, using biological bacterial manure also increase the content of soluble solid substance, eggplant red element and VC, changing it's taste, improved the quality of products.
SEM, DSC and GPC show the degree of bacterial degradation on the surface of copolymer was depended on the ratio of hydrophilic and hydrophobic unit content.
Methods: Using PPC mixed on different time, compare one recovery of content of bacterial endotoxin in oflxacin injection with another.
Methods The content of CRP and WBC in 76 bacterial-infected children, 60 virus-infected children and 65 healthy children were examined and compared.
Objective To study the factors of affecting bacterial content in brine immersed with blood during operation in laminar flow operating rooms and its feasible replacing time.
Total ileal bacterial content was significantly higher in ascitic cirrhotic rats than that in healthy rats(P<0.01).
To study the Chromogenic substrate limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) to detect the content of bacterial endotoxin in human albumin.
METHODS To determine the limit content of CMX bacterial endotoxin and To measure the maximal undisturbed concentration disturbed test.
The ice nucleation activation bacterial canker disease decreased the content of mobile proline in poplar barks, while caused the content of bark pectin to increase a bit.
There, farmers store wastewater in ponds to allow solid feces and worm eggs to settle, possibly reducing bacterial content in the residual water.
There is significant correlation of the anti-bacterial activity with the content of total saponin, total tannin, dissociated emodin and total chlorogenic acid in S. cuneata tables.
Observed Bacterial Content on Suspension Bed Sheet in Burns Intensive Care Unit;
Observed Bacterial Content on Suspension Bed Sheet in Burns Intensive Care Unit;