This will mean that you could get into trouble with the search engine just for linking to a bad apple.
One "bad apple" can spread negative behavior like a virus to bring down officemates or destroy a good team, according to a new study examining conflict in the workplace.
One "bad apple" can spread negative behaviour like a virus to bring down officemates or destroy a good team, according to a new study examining conflict in the workplace.
Ask a client's CEO, though, and he will likely tell you this: every CEO goes to bed at night worrying about a bad apple in their ranks-be it a rogue trader or a rogue consultant.
Just as the adage tells us one bad apple can spoil an entire barrel of apples, poor behavior or unethical actions by a single employee can tarnish how people perceive an entire organization.
I, personally,... am an apple fanboy, and that's OK. That's not a bad thing!
On the other hand, this is Apple we’re talking about, and they don’t have a track record of bad ideas.
He helped remake Apple from a business that was in bad shape then to one of the most valuable companies in the world today.
Apple however has enormous cash reserves and could almost certainly ride out any financial bad weather.
If Apple wins against HTC, that would be bad news for upstart handset firms.
If Apple does indeed decide to try to patent an identical application, the storm of bad pr would be unprecedented.
This merger may be bad for Apple, so we see an automatic negative slant from CNN.
Interestingly Foxconn, which is one of Apple's biggest supplier/assemblers at the moment isn't mentioned here: Has Apple shied away from the firm, in the wake of all its bad PR?
InteresinglyFoxconn 公司,苹果最大的提供商/组装商在这个时候并没有被提及到:是否苹果已经厌恶了这个公司,从它的恶名昭彰的公关中醒悟出来?
Maybe that's because apples are bad for the doctor's business, "an apple a day keeps a doctor without pay."
He concludes that firms thatbegin in bad times are more likely to turn out to become economicallyimportant: think of Microsoft, Apple and Krispy Kreme doughnuts.
If Apple wins against HTC, that would be bad news for upstart handset firms.
Eg: The apple looks nice, but it tastes bad.
At the end of the day, our report could have been titled: Apple Acquires Patents: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
Some believe that eating an apple is a natural remedy for bad breath. The rough texture of the food can help loosen food, while your saliva will help wash it away.
The expression is "One rotten apple spoils the barrel. " When an apple begins to go bad, it ruins all the other apples around it in the container.
Bob: I have a bad luck this moring. The farmer catches me in one of his apple trees.
Oranges, not to see you last time, I feel very sorry you listen to the bad news that Apple talked about, I began to believe, but the cruel reality is true, I have not been so mentally prepared.
Clients including Apple, Dell and HP have announced inquiries, doubtless fearing bad press of their own.
Clients including Apple, Dell and HP have announced inquiries, doubtless fearing bad press of their own.