"That's what Joey said, " Patty told them, "He said it was just a word and not even a bad word."
Now I can only do, memorial is a bad word to me during that time that's gone.
Finally, fat should not be seen as a bad word. It's necessary in everyone's diet.
"That's what Joey said," Patty told them. "he said it was just a word and not even a bad word."
It gives fans a sense of ownership. I don't think I've heard a bad word said about SOUTHLAND.
Then, you said one bad word about Confucius and you risked a "flame war" that would incinerate you.
It gives fans a sense of ownership. I don't think I've heard a bad word said about SOUTHLAND.
If it's an African American or a bad word, a negative word, I want you to shout out "right," this side, "right."
In the year since banker became a bad word, Leonard Abess brought some goodwill - and some good p.r. - to the besmirched financial sector.
You have a chapter titled "dependency is Not a Bad Word" Yet the common wisdom about codependency suggests that caring too much can be a disease.
However, when you're alone with him, he never says a bad word about those friends, but rather is kind, loving, and complimentary to you about them.
When something worries me, I can always go to her. I can tell her anything because she can keep a secret. She is kind and never says a bad word about anyone.
And now "Get crunk," as I was aware from having heard it before, involves the consistent refrain of "Get crunk" Extremely bad word, "Get crunk" Extremely bad word, and so I said "no."
Because if we installed the bad word will lead to, we receive signal not, it will affect our television programs, and we the satellite TV installation company can very good help you finish the task.
We might use the word "negative" to describe more difficult emotions, but it doesn't mean those emotions are bad or we shouldn't have them.
To reduce temptation, keep your mind occupied with God's Word and other good thoughts. You defeat bad thoughts by thinking of something better.
Superstition: Saying the word ‘Macbeth’ in a theater will result in extreme bad luck.
Why can't Word recognize when it's received bad data and simply put up an error message?
I recommend Getting Things Done, as long as you don't treat every word as immutable and inarguable. It can help you out of many bad habits.
In the past, even mentioning the word "death" was believed to bring bad luck, and preparing one's own funeral while still alive was a major taboo.
The word 'good' is like the new 'bad.' Why settle for even 'smart' when you could instead call your child 'gifted'?
When the word first entered English it was borrowed from Latin by lawyers and used in legal contexts. That's where it gained its bad reputation.
For example, there's a kind of bad habit going around where the audience has a printed outline of the speech, and at certain points, the speaker asks them to stop and circle a key word.
I forged trust with my readers through good times and bad and prided myself on my name and word.
I forged trust with my readers through good times and bad and prided myself on my name and word.