Employee turnover: due to the bad working conditions and low pay, employee turnover can be very high.
The bad working conditions in field operation makes complex hydraulic system undergo a severe tests.
There is scant evidence that wages are driven down by multinationals, nor that they help perpetuate indefinitely bad working conditions.
Despite the low salary and bad working conditions, he did manage to finish his task perfectly. Even so, the boss refuses to get him promoted, treating him unfairly instead.
Asked about the suicides that have led to anti-suicide netting being fitted beneath the Windows of workers' dormitories, Woo said: "suicides were not connected to bad working conditions."
The universe company grader blade quality stands up to the most rigorous test, ADAPTS the bad working conditions, the knife strap two-sided USES the high strength anti-friction material bit.
His working conditions were bad.
A bad boss, crummy coworkers, or poor working conditions may have led you to walk away — but you don't want to reveal that in an interview.
That figure may be too alarmist: there are signs that urban factories are running out of migrant labour, and reports that bad working and living conditions in some cities are deterring the rural poor.
Sick of his life, working conditions and living environment is bad, but he only then is willing to give up to work late every day.
A bad boss, crummy coworkers, or poor working conditions may have led you to walk away but you don't want to reveal that in an interview.
By taking effective measures, this instrument can work reliably in bad field working conditions.
One consequence of outsourcing Nike did not anticipate was the bad publicity it received in the 1990s, following reports of poor working conditions in its outsourced Indonesian factories.
According to testing results on absorbability of magnetic wheel under different conditions, the designed magnetic wheels can adapt to bad working environments.
The 'bad feelings' stories were about things such as company policy , administration, supervision and working conditions.
The crane always distribute dispersedly on the front of the yard where the working environments and conditions is bad.
According to testing results on absorbability of magnetic wheel under different conditions, the designed magnetic wheels can adapt to bad working environment.
According to testing results on absorbability of magnetic wheel under different conditions, the designed magnetic wheels can adapt to bad working environment.