Our complex tax code is badly in need of an overhaul to make America more competitive.
The company is showing a complete lack of direction and is badly in need of new leadership.
The only big European economy yet to spell out an austerity plan is france-a country badly in need of one.
If possible, please arrange early shipment of this repeat order as we are badly in need of the goods.
Be badly in need of Li Qingzhao and sentimental and grieved Li Yu poem word, have annotation more well.
We're badly in need of these coils. Please inform the shipchandler to deliver them on board as soon as possible.
At present they are facing serious obtain employment, school work, economy and psychological dilemma, be badly in need of solving.
I hope you make a lot of it, I told him, because you're going to be badly in need of something to do when you're not signing checks.
He always claimed to be a faithful friend of ours and did not show his colours until we were in trouble and were badly in need of his help.
It is badly in need of using the experience of other countries for reference along with continuous production increasing in our offshore oilfields.
Because enlarge manufacturing need, show, be badly in need of invite applications for a job the following talent, greeting a man of insight joins in.
How to guarantee that the privately owned information on the network is not stolen or destroyed and already become a problem badly in need of solution.
The sea is badly in need of better management. It is overfished, chiefly, it is true, in coastal waters, but also in the great expanses that belong to no state.
Who knows the serviceman attends one 's deceased father grind does general English ask how many? What reviews a data technically? Be badly in need of replying! Thank.
Therefore, commercial Banks of China are badly in need of a set of comprehensive management system, to monitor, measure, supervise and control the interest rate risk.
So, how enterprises design the marketing channel suiTable, making a profit and can meet the consumer demand at the same time, it is a problem badly in need of solution.
In the reservoir prediction, the prediction of permeable sands is studied fairly little and has considerable difficulty, but is a problem badly in need of being solved in reservoir exploration.
Helping the unemployed, by putting money in the pockets of people who badly need it, helps support consumer spending.
It should all work fine in theory. But in practice the guardians of Internet security seem badly to need guarding themselves.
I'm not quite clear about the specifications of your electric tools you need badly. Could you tell me in detail?
The famous astronaut heard from some villagers of a remote village. With the only river drying up, their finance was in need. They called for financial support badly.
For serious lack of senior skilled workers, it is badly in need to bring up high quality skilled worker team. A se ries of measures available and Suggestions are put forward.
This article points out that we need badly to develop some new ideas in five aspects to meet the challenge of the Knowledge economy.
Essentially, however, Real carried nothing like the threat posed by Barcelona and defended so badly that they appeared in urgent need of a few coaching sessions with the Special One.
Essentially, however, Real carried nothing like the threat posed by Barcelona and defended so badly that they appeared in urgent need of a few coaching sessions with the Special One.