Shi Yuqi, a badminton player from Jiangsu, helped China win the 2018 Thomas Cup.
Zhang Ning is a badminton player. She won the women's singles in Athens.
Among them was Zhang Ning, a female badminton player, who impressed me deeply.
He is the badminton player from the Chinese badminton Team called Lin Dan. People like to call him "Super Dan".
Gold Quest is the brainchild of Geet Sethi, a billiards champion, and Prakash Padukone, India's best-ever badminton player.
The purpose of the study was to discuss the participation motives and the level of experience for the badminton player.
The Basic individual skills 0f a Badminton player include:serving, volleying, the Backhand smash, the forehand smash and the drop shot.
The Basic individual skills 0f a Badminton player include: serving, volleying, the Backhand smash, the forehand smash and the drop shot.
Seoul native, Choi also spent the last 10 years as an elite badminton player with various regional pro teams but will not be returning to a team for 2011.
The researchers used a functional MRI on participants, who were shown video clips of an opposing badminton player striking a shuttlecock and asked to predict where the shot would land.
Lin Dan became the first player in World Badminton Championship history to win three successive men's singles titles.
My favourite player is lindane, he is the greatest thing in the world badminton athletes.
Similar to tennis and badminton, a player only wins a point if the opponent cannot return the ball on the correct part of the table.
I love music, sports, and travel. I am a badminton fan, and also a pretty good player.
I love music, sports, and travel. I am a badminton fan, and also a pretty good player.