Banks would also have to provide a source of ready funds for a bail-out in the shape of convertible or bail-in capital.
International discussions are also ongoing about creating "bail-in" bonds that could be swapped into core capital in a crisis.
The FSB said it expects that banks will be able to use such 'bail-in-able' debt securities to meet at least one-third of the requirement.
Another is to give supervisors discretionary powers to convert a portion of the bank's existing debt into equity, something known as a "bail-in".
Any extra cost of capital should be quite limited because the losses from a bail-in resolution are so much smaller than the losses at risk in a liquidation.
The best way to understand the idea is to look at how a bail-in could have changed the outcome for Lehman Brothers over that fateful weekend in September 2008.
The Vickers answer is to get Banks also to hold thick layers of "bail-in" debt that will impose losses on private creditors of a failing institution before taxpayers are called into action.
This was designed not so much to shield the peripheral countries from a market run as it was to "bail in" private lenders.
Some in the party want to capitalise on growing Eurosceptic sentiment in Germany by voting against bail-out plans in parliament.
He was released on police bail to appear before Horseferry Road magistrates in central London on Wednesday.
Germany says the EU should now seek an all-embracing deal, including on the size and scope of the bail-out fund, in time for the next summit in March.
The Tories supported the bank bail-out in 2008, he notes.
The cheapest bail-out in the world, as he initially called it, turned into one of the costliest.
That fits a broader narrative in which it manipulated the bail-out and profited from economic misery.
Although it pointedly declined a bail-out in America, it has been happy to take grants and soft loans in Germany and Romania to develop an efficient engine.
Government ownership will restrict their liberty, and lead to deepening losses and, in the end, taxpayer bail-outs.
The single currency's architects put their faith in the "no bail-out" clause coupled with a "stability and growth pact".
They have incentives to announce a no-bail-out policy in order to encourage their charges to behave prudently.
That requires, at a minimum, large quantities of cash-as seen in this week's bail-out of Hungary.
Mrs Merkel struggled to persuade members of her squabbling coalition to vote for an expansion of the euro zone's bail-out fund in parliament this week.
In general regulators have stuck to the standard script of bank bail-outs, in which shareholders take the pain and bondholders are protected.
Soon the court may weigh in on the euro-zone bail-out.
Resistance in the German Bundestag and elsewhere means that even the partial bail-out measures agreed in July are getting bogged down.
He rightly warned the politicians that their campaign to make private bond-holders take a hit in future bail-outs would only spook the markets.
If the debt's holders suffer losses in a bail-out, triggering a "credit event", Banks that had sold the swaps would face huge payouts.
As one senior negotiator in the bail-out talks laments, Greece is part of the single-currency area even though it has managed in effect to stay out of the single market.
Portugal and Greece blame Germany for the austerity they have to undergo in exchange for bail-outs to keep the euro together.
But as well as contract padding, Angolans have lost out as officials seize state assets through rigged privatisations or rip off the public Treasury in bail-outs of private companies.
But as well as contract padding, Angolans have lost out as officials seize state assets through rigged privatisations or rip off the public Treasury in bail-outs of private companies.