The bailout bill is a classic example of expediency over effectiveness.
Some Republicans still haven't come to grips with this, as evidenced by their proposed alternative to the bailout bill, which involved yet bigger tax cuts for hedge funds.
The next day, while conservative House Republicans maneuvered behind the scenes to block the bailout bill, Sen. McCain sat largely silent at a crisis summit at the White House.
In response to opposition from the Banks, legislators compromised in the bailout bill originally passed by the House of Representatives, but which appears to have died in the Senate.
So to them, the specter of a depression can sound alarmist, and the $700 billion bill that Congress voted down this week can seem like a bailout for rich scoundrels.
In contrast, a bailout forces unwitting taxpayers to foot the bill for Greece's SINS.
The bill, he writes, was "best understood as a private health-industry bailout." Later he adds.
"I'm skeptical of the bailout, the whole bill is only a couple of pages long, " said Representative Scott Garrett, Republican of New Jersey, who is a member of the House Financial Services Committee.
The bill could also hurt the economy, encouraging Banks to cut back on lending, so they can return their bailout money and protect employees from the surtax.
The bill could also hurt the economy, encouraging Banks to cut back on lending, so they can return their bailout money and protect employees from the surtax.