A well balanced diet can improve your state of mind.
Budgets have largely been balanced by cuts to the heart of state spending: health programmes, schools and transport.
The state takes a fairly balanced view of border issues in general and, for cultural and economic reasons, tends to support immigration more than the country as a whole.
One of the best way to achieve a calm and happy state is to maintain a well balanced diet.
Getting enough sleep, eating balanced meals, and maintaining a Zen state will help reduce your likelihood of headaches.
For example, it is possible to achieve a balanced budget with a small or a big state.
The paper think that the benefits balanced mechanism has become one of the key factor that the copyright benefits between in each subject arrived at fair and effective in a balanced state.
State government are forbidden to levy tariffs on imports, discriminate against outsides residents, or tax other states 'products. Most states have balanced budget requirement.
Price levels in different circumstances, retailers are facing is different from the location choice, and ultimately to achieve a balanced state is also very different.
The evolutionary process is provided with some characters of dissipative system, such as an open system far from the balanced state, the non-linear and fluctuation.
But we have to try and keep the game in a relatively balanced state and that is going to mean making decisions that are unpopular sometimes.
Under a certain specific space-time condition, the financial permeation is in a dynamic balanced state.
Different distributive state of knowledge and skill may result from that human capital's growth selects the balanced or unbalanced ways in the economic system.
Second, the state of inter-aggregate pore water of cohesive soil is determined by(balanced) condition between damping of bound water membrane and permeability pressure of hydraulic gradient.
The temperature T_0 is called critical explosion temperature, at which the condensed phase and its vapor come to a balanced state, and the concentration of the combustible vapor comes to LEL.
In terms of this mechanism, the calculation formula for the suspended load sediment-carrying capacity graduation under the balanced state of silting and scoring is deduced.
Formula of limiting producing rate is given for balanced state of injection and production that can be used to estimate maximum output.
Neutral skin sebum and moisture to keep as normal and balanced state, so it is a good hi, ideal skin, usually referred to as normal skin.
Yuan Gangming: at least he can sweep around the right of American dominance weakened state, this time on the IMF's turbulence can be considered a supplement balanced about it.
Constant Effect: Relieve and nourish skin, promote cells regeneration, recover skin to balanced state, and make skin natural, healthy and moist.
The virtue of balance beam pumping unit is directly depended on its balanced state. But so far, there is no simple and efficient method to detect the balanced state.
In this model, running state of transmission line is divided into four states, and calculation method of state probability, state frequency and state duration in balanced state are given.
This paper take base of the Balanced Scorecard, and link with all kinds of basic systems, design a suit of incentive system fitting for state-owned enterprise of transportation.
The ability to keep our peace and maintain an even-balanced state is one of the greatest gifts that we can give ourselves.
By the wave power from E2 technology, this energy field can be controlled to the balanced, and enforced state.
When getting along with others, you hold the virtue of humility. Meanwhile, keep a balanced state of mind, and be kindness towards others.
When getting along with others, you hold the virtue of humility. Meanwhile, keep a balanced state of mind, and be kindness towards others.