Ball-kicking activity that is actually recorded in history emerged in the Warring States Period.
During the Qing Dynasty, kicking a stone ball around was a popular game in the northern part of China, and it was often played in winter to keep warm.
Bill was kicking a ball in the yard when I saw him.
Billy was kicking a ball around the yard while his mom was cooking in the kitchen.
But the number of people who get rich by singing or kicking a ball is tiny compared with the number who become wealthy or influential through brainpower.
At face value, play may look like nothing special - just kids kicking a ball back and forth.
The effector API permits turning the robot, moving at a certain speed, kicking the ball, or simply moving the ball.
Both excel at one thing: in Mr Beckham's case, kicking a ball; in the corporations' case, making profits.
Looking to the future, two of us (TA and TA) also plan to investigate the effect of different types of footwear on the kicking of a ball.
Kicking it with the outside of his foot allowed him to hit the ball hard, at probably over 30 ms–1 (70 mph).
Renaud, who was going to Oregon, was kicking a soccer ball with Jezer, who was bound for Virginia (the names have been changed). The younger girls were playing together on one of the porches.
If you practice kicking a soccer ball with your eyes closed, it takes only a few tries to become quite good at predicting where the ball will end up.
This led to our player kicking the ball away in disgust and correctly being given a yellow card.
I think it is safe to say that playing a stringed instrument is at least as complicated, if not more so, than throwing or kicking or hitting a ball.
The game of rugby was invented when a boy at the school, tired of kicking the ball, picked it up and ran with it.
He had been kicking a ball along Abu Nawas, and as I came running, he left his friends and started running next to me in his bare feet.
Yeah, it's really fun. Right now we're just, you know, kicking the ball around.
"I am back kicking a ball again," Ballack told German tabloid Bild.
I'm getting better. I've been kicking the ball around and I hope to get some playing time in against France. I feel good.
The goalkeeper bounced the ball twice before kicking it.
Those boys aren't playing football properly, they're just kicking the ball about.
Thinking about a small boy with curly hair, out in the rain then the sleet, kicking a ball around in a yard halfway across the world.
I was just thinking about kicking that ball as hard as I could so, even if the keeper got to it, it would have been a goal.
The famous footballer said that the secret of his success was the time he spent in his youth practising, just kicking away at a ball for hours on end, in an empty field with a few friends.
这位著名球星说,他的成功秘诀就在于年轻时花时间练球。 那时,他总是和几个朋友在一个空场上踢,一踢就是几个小时。
He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he would have scored a goal.
The game of rugby was invented when a boy at the school tired of kicking the ball, picked it up and ran with it.
The ball hit in the head bounced or kicking the ball against a wall and play to pass such action is in the street corner basketball can see, these are the street corner basketball charm.
Just 15 minutes a day of kicking around a ball or swimming might be enough to keep children from becoming obese, British and U. S. researchers said last week.
Just 15 minutes a day of kicking around a ball or swimming might be enough to keep children from becoming obese, British and U. S. researchers said last week.